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I’ll have updates on tonight’s primaries if anything interesting happens. But since I’ll be sitting in a dark room with the door locked and the window shades drawn imagining it’s 1971, please only disturb me if it’s really important, like if it turns out Obama...

McMillan International and its affiliates, based in Arizona, manufacture a variety of rifles and accessories, including highly regarding sniper rifles. A reader called to my attention a Facebook post by McMillan alleging that Bank of America terminated its lending relationship for political reasons based on McMillan’s...

This video (via Above The Law, h/t tip from Badger Pundit) was taken on the edge of the Harvard Law School campus.  The building in the opening shot is a new building where Wyeth Hall, the dorm I lived in first year, used to stand....

things we hold dear: Allen West — They edited the tape, of course. Religion — Vanderbilt tells Catholic Students To Change Name. Holocaust remembrance. Republicans — We’re rooting for failure again. Israel — what do 74 Dems have in common? and some things we don’t...

The media must be fed: Mug shot: Charges: The Speech Let me emphasize that we do not prosecute by pressure or petition.  We prosecute cases based on the relevant facts of each case and on the laws of the state of Florida…. Update:  The Jury...

Developing Story via Fox News: Zimmerman is in custody and, according to AP sources, will be charged with 2nd-degree murder. More details and official charges to follow during scheduled 6pm press conference with Special Prosecutor Angela Corey. UPDATE (ongoing): Some notable quotes from Special Prosecutor Corey...

Michael Miller, The Miami New Times reporter who kicked off an internet firestorm a few days ago with a report of armed groups of neo-Nazis patrolling Sanford, Florida, is at it again,  After Trayvon Martin, Neo-Nazis Say They’re Armed and Patrolling Sanford. The account, again,...

The latest wildfire spreading through the media and blogosphere is that armed neo-Nazis are patrolling Sanford, FL, in anticipation of trouble if George Zimmerman is not charged in the killing of Trayvon Martin.  In what has become a prime example of media malpractice, none of...

I will grant the Martin family enormous deference in the way they interact with the media.  They lost a child.  Whatever the facts of this case end up being, they lost a child.  Whatever the legal outcome ends ups being, they lost a child.  They are...

There are going to be a lot of people beclowning themselves in the rush to judgment to convict George Zimmerman before the facts are known. With every new piece of information, proclamations are made that the information destroys Zimmerman’s claim of self defense, only to...

The hoodie has become the symbol of protests regarding the shooting of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman. From images of former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm wearing a hoodie, to the “million hoodie march,” to Havard law students wearing hoodies with a sign “Do we look suspicious?,” to Congressman Bobby Rush appearing on...

How sad is it for us as a society that Al Sharpton, of the Tawana Brawley hoax and Crown Heights/Freddy’s Fashion Mart riots, is leading protests calling for civil disobediance if George Zimmerman is not arrested immediately (and then will call for civil disobedience if the...

Israel Matzav is having a fundraiser.  Carl in Jerusalem is a blogger who is a great source on things going on in the Middle East, consider supporting him. Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt running presidential candidate, despite have said it wouldn’t. Buy Israeli Goods month just...

There is something seriously disturbed with Lawrence O’Donnell.  Who ever thought we would long for the days of Keith Olbermann. A lawyer representing an accused has no obligation to present defense evidence on television.  O’Donnell knows that, his outrage is feigned and phony.  O’Donnell is...