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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The reaction to the Arizona Immigration law has been outlandish. While there are legitimate civil liberties concerns, as there are with many laws, the use of terms such as racist and Nazi to describe the law went beyond the pale.Eric Holder agrees that there...


The left-wing blogosphere hates Elena Kagan. Really. The venom percolating up from the depths of the nutroots is getting pretty toxic.For the most part, the right-wing blogosphere is sitting back and enjoying how people like Glenn Greenwald are tripping all over themselves to attack Kagan...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Charles Blow, the NY Times' once-a-week "visual Op-Ed columnist," is out to make a name for himself. Much like Frank Rich, who jumped from theater critic to political flame...

Strange. I'm not sure I support Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court, assuming she is the nominee, but I'm already finding myself having to defend her.If Elena Kagan were a liberal legal hero, with a long record of reaching the correct conclusions from the left-wing...

Or are we just careening from crisis to mishap to near catastrophe, like a spinning top as it loses speed?Just wondering.Have a nice weekend.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Elena Kagan "reportedly" is going to be Obama's pick. Which means that Elena Kagan probably will not be Obama's pick, or at least don't bet on it.Quite the topic in the law-related blogosphere is Kagan's sparce paper record, at least in comparison to other nominees...

I've been feeling lately that maybe I took the wrong career path.Investment law is interesting and satisfying, but I can't escape the gnawing feeling that there could have been other, even more titillating fields in which to concentrate.Cornell Prof. Michael Lynn obviously is having no...

All is good. God saved the pubs.Update: Jumping in Pools has more on the beer campaign.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Low-Slung Baggy Pants Are A Human RightWorst. Ever.We Are All Gillian Duffy NowFollow me on Twitter and Facebook...

The Onion recently released a spoof of a mythical Supreme Court ruling upholding the right to freedom of speech, replete with a fauxto of Ruth Bader Ginsburg flipping a double bird. As with many productions by The Onion, there was a glancing plausibility to the...

Hate Springs Eternal, by Paul Krugman (emphasis mine):"Racism, misogyny and character assassination are all ways of distracting voters from the issues, and people who care about the issues have a shared interest in making the politics of hatred unacceptable."Racism, misogyny, character assassination, and the politics...

This is my obligatory "Tommy, you're doing a heck of a job" post. Or more appropriately, "Tommy, keep paddling."Jake reports, I repeat:Though his agency was charged with coordinating the federal response to the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Department of the Interior...

The Washington Post, among other mainstream media outlets, relentlessly stokes claims that Tea Partiers are racist.Eugene Robinson accuses almost everyone who opposes the Obama agenda -- but particularly those active in the Tea Party movement -- of being motivated by racism and prone to violence.Jonathan...

That is why my first reads in the morning are Politico:And Chris Cillizza: Without them, I wouldn't know what to think.-------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...

I saw a thread on Memeorandum linking to a ridiculous post, titled Bush, Slave Labor and Arizona, by the founder and Editor of, Mark Karlin.BuzzFlash bills itself as a progressive online community, which probably is why I had not heard of it before, despite...

I was waiting for this ruling, because I could not stand living in a world where it was illegal to wear baggy pants so low that your ass showed.From Britain, our window into the future where underpants get to see the light of day (emphasis...

The core of Democratic Party political strategy is falling apart. As reported by The New York Times, Black Hopefuls Pick This Year in G.O.P. Races:Among the many reverberations of President Obama’s election, here is one he probably never anticipated: at least 32 African-Americans are running...

Dana Milbank argues that conservatives are hypocritical in seeking government involvement in the Gulf oil cleanup, Through oil-fouled water, big government looks better and better:There is something exquisite about the moment when a conservative decides he needs more government in his life...