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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


While a perfect storm allowed Republicans to capture NY-9, possibly the most Jewish congressional district in the country, further progress in gaining Jewish support for GOP candidates will require confronting very different mechanisms than simply emphasizing support for Israel. As best explained in the book Partisan Hearts...


Then come to New York! Even if you're a "petty and cruel dictator," an Ivy-League school will still be interested in your time: A group of Columbia University students may be attending a private dinner with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who will be in New York City...

Here's your "Arab Spring" and "Arab Street" for you. From a BBC correspondent (h/t Daily Dish): While walking in the street someone pushed me from behind with such force that I nearly fell over. Turning around, I found myself surrounded by five men, one of whom tried to punch...

Dan Senor has a great article in The Wall Street Journal about how fundamentally Obama weakened our support of Israel, and Matthew Knee is following up here on the Obama's administration's belated push to shore up support in the Jewish community after the NY-09 Democratic debacle in which...

As Drudge aggressively teased all day yesterday, the front page of today's New York Times reports that in light of the Republican upset in NY-9, the Democratic Party is redoubling its efforts to woo Jewish voters, and plans a coordinated pushback on Israel issues. I say...

Yesterday The National Enquirer and the blog equivalents (Wonkette, Gawker, TBogg) ran two hot button headlines about Sarah Palin based on a preview of a book written by creepy stalker Joe McGinniss.  You know the allegations, so it's not worth repeating (see Robert Stacy McCain's...

There's an ornery mood out there. Thanks to reader Bob, who writes: Bumper sticker seen at a restaurant in Loveland, Colorado.  I saw it going into the restaurant and didn't think much of it. On the way out I saw the owner of the truck getting in...

It sounds like a headline from The Onion: "Jewish prof forced to defend himself against anti-Semitism claims."  Cameron Johnston, who has been teaching at York [University] for more than 30 years, has been forced to respond to allegations that he made anti-Semitic remarks in a lecture...

We've been there before, a $5 raffle for a chance to have dinner with the President of the United States. The $5 doesn't go to the government to help pay down debt, it goes to Obama's campaign.  It's a way to gin up the "small donor"...

It's trending on Twitter as the vast right-wing conspiracy collectively mocks After it was launched yesterday: There are so many to chose from, so consider this just a start: Please post links in comments, and I'll post images of some. Update:  Some from the comments and some I found: (link above) (link above) (link above)  ...

When I dubbed the nascent Solyndra scandal "Teapot Solyndra" in memory of the Teapot Dome Scandal, I worried that I might be getting ahead of myself. But with this administration, it's hard to get ahead of oneself.  Fearing the worst usually is the safest bet. And that worst fear seems...

What a night.  Two big wins in NY-09 and NV-02. Quote of the night: “It’s a very difficult district for Democrats,” said Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, noting its Democratic margins there tend to be the second lowest of all the districts in New...

My friend sent me this link yesterday, and I could hardly believe the headline: Margaret Thatcher has become a hip youth icon. Harry Mount was at a party: held at Maggie's, the Thatcher-themed nightclub on the Fulham Road, in west London. It will come as no surprise to...