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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Another day, another failed Obama attempt to dominate Twitter with a campaign-inspired hastag (see, #attackwatch). This time the hastag is #WeCantWait as in "we can't wait" for Republicans to approve whatever half-baked scheme Obama wants to push through Congress to prove that he is the "jobs...


Several readers have called my attention to the National Popular Vote movement, through which various states would agree to vote their electors as a block based upon the winner of the national popular vote: Under the U.S. Constitution, the states have exclusive and plenary (complete) power...

Today in London:  Conservative rebels pushing for an in-or-out referendum on Europe are riding the tide of public opinion, according to a Guardian/ICM poll. Some 70% of voters want a vote on Britain's EU membership, and by a substantial nine-point margin respondents say they would use it to...

As mentioned earlier, the Obama administration and media are touting Gaddafi's overthrow as a great foreign policy victory. But Gaddafi's body has hardly gone cold, and Libya already has a strict Islamist government, see all the links at Memeorandum.  Andrew Sullivan also rounds up some of the...

Creating a centralized electronic medical record is one of the primary goals of the Obama administration (and Bush before that, although not funded) under the theory that a centralized record will lead to greater efficiencies. Don't worry, your centralized medical records will be safe. Unless, of course, someone working...

Since Joe Biden's play of the rape card did not work in getting the Senate to pass Obama's new stimulus package, Biden may need to come up with a new strategy.  Rumor has it that Biden will resurrect National Lampoon magazine: (Based on this original, for those of you who are too young...

At Obama campaign headquarters in downtown Chicago they can hear shouts of "OMG WTF" and "How's that 'Hope & Change' thing working out for you?," like the sound of slowly rumbling thunder just over the horizon. Thanks to reader Norbie who spotted this in Elgin, Illinois, not far from Chicago,...

The Wisconsin recall effort against Scott Walker gets started in three weeks, and guess what, Dems may go after more Republican state senator!  The punchy Director of Communications of the WI Democratic Party is quite excited. There was a massive earthquake in Turkey, with as many...

24 years ago a new term was coined, "borking" or "to bork."  It is a tactic in which Democrats still revel, except when they feel they are on the receiving end at which point they cry foul. Borking is the complete politicization of the judicial nomination...

I recommend reading this discussion between Eliot Spitzer and a protester from Occupy Wall Street. It is actually pretty interesting and shows that Spitzer hasn't forgotten how to speak like a politician: MM: You think representative democracy is the best system we’ve got? ES: Yes! I say...

We saw something similar in Wisconsin, when an anti-Scott Walker protester locked her head to a metal railing with a bicycle lock. Yesterday an Occupy Wall Street protester climbed a 70-foot statue demanding that Mayor Bloomberg resign and that the police presence be reduced.  The police...

You know about the RI pension mess, because I've been pounding that issue pretty much since the founding of this blog three years ago. The New York Times takes a devastating look at Rhode Island, The Little State With a Big Mess (h/t @amandacarpenter): ON the night of...

after seeing this. From reader Joe, send in an e-mail with the subject line "bumper sticker of the day-week-month": Professor, Words fail me, see for yourself! Location- Croton Point Park, Westchester NY ...

The Live Stream camera at street level tells the story, the Occupy Dallas protesters control the streets with the line of marchers extending as far as the eye can see: Okay, maybe not.  Reader Derek writes: Professor, I'm an avid reader of your blog. I was in the office today and...