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David Gregory loves him that contraception issue

David Gregory loves him that contraception issue

Good for Newt for pushing back against David Gregory.

This segment epitomizes almost everything about how the MSM tries to frame the narrative against conservatives and particularly against religious Christians.

It actually got worse. After Newt, Gregory did the same thing to Eric Cantor, and then demanded to know from Cantor why Republicans refuse to focus on the economy!

Via The Daily Caller (Newsbusters more complete video substituted):



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No. Question.

This whole confluvium came from the Obami’s realization that they were slipping with women.

They had to gin (or should that be gyn…?) up SOME-DAMN-THING to get women involved with the Collective.

PLUS, it works to divert from the miserable Obama record, and demonize Conservatives.

All good, from the Collectivist POV.

LukeHandCool | March 4, 2012 at 2:26 pm

David Gregory is just awful. I can’t watch him. Not particularly bright, not interesting, no charm, no wit … awful.

Where are today’s David Brinkleys?

Notice how Mr. Gregory never answered Newt’s question. Shouldn’t Obama apologize for apologizing? Should he stop patting himself on the back for “calming down the situation”?

If that’s how he calms something down, I’d hate to see him stir something up.

Sooner or later we’re all going to go insane in this crazy world. Futurists are largely useless …. but Orwell … he gives me goosebumps.

    turfmonster in reply to LukeHandCool. | March 4, 2012 at 6:25 pm

    We deserve much better when it comes to journalists than Gregory and I’m glad Newt hammered him.

    I’m holding out hope for yet another come-back by Newt.

      Henry Hawkins in reply to turfmonster. | March 4, 2012 at 9:21 pm

      There are a great many professional journalists out there, they just don’t have a place in professional journalism anymore. The field has been taken over by, well, cheerleaders.

      We need to stop referring to the David Gregorys of the world as journalists when they are anything but.

I think with Breitbart’s death we’re going to see a ferocious resurgence of the MSM, partly as a howl of triumph at his death and also as a way to test the resistance.

    Doug Wright in reply to raven. | March 4, 2012 at 2:41 pm

    You’re right on, Bro Raven. So perhaps we all need to follow the Instapundit’s sage, now old advice, and become like an Army of Andys and to do it with style, dedication, and especially with knowledge of the issues, as Andrew Breitbart himself did!

If we pay $1000/year per woman for birth control for 15 years, that adds up to $15,000 per woman, right?

How much are these same women going to DEMAND that we pay for their infertility treatments when they find out that it isn’t as easy to get pregnant at 35 as it might have been at 20?

And you know it’s coming, because they’re going to argue that “Having a baby is a RIGHT!!!!!!”

I just had a witty thought about what someone needs to do with “Dick” Gregory but I am fairly sure it would get me banned…

Thank you for posting this, Prof. Jacobson. I’ve followed you for a while now but am a first time commenter. Keep up the great work.

Bruce B.

I disapprove of Newt’s ego and womanizing, but I accept what Lincoln said when informed of Grant’s drinking: I cannot spare this man. He fights.

    Terri in reply to gs. | March 4, 2012 at 5:06 pm

    Jacob was a cheater, Peter had a temper, David had an affair, Noah got drunk, Jonah ran from God, Paul was a murderer, Gideon was insecure, Miriam was a gossiper, Martha was a worrier, Thomas was a doubter, Sarah was impatient, Elijah was depressed, Moses stuttered, Zaccheus was short, Abraham was old and Lazarus was dead…
    God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the CALLED!!

    Uncle Samuel in reply to gs. | March 4, 2012 at 9:14 pm

    Newt repented, got help, counsel and spiritual direction and started anew like others through the centuries: Mary Magdalene, St. Paul, St. Augustine, John Newton, author of Amazing Grace who was a slave ship captain…and many more.
    Thanks be to God for his grace and mercy…and the power of the Cross.

    People with Newt’s early life background (like Bill Clinton) often use sex, drink, drugs, work, etc. to numb the inner pain until they get help. I’ve seen this in pastors, doctors, friends and family.

    Give me a repentant, sadder but wiser Newt any day over an unrepentant non-stop lying Romney.

    I Peter 4:1 says those who have paid a painful price for their sins, hate sin…kind of like getting really sick on something and never wanting to eat it again.

    I still pray Obama will repent. He’s a product of his marxist Islamist upbringing…his family, biological and adopted, mentors and friends were all communists and muslims.

All I can say is GO NEWT!! That’s the MAN who can lead this country and he doesn’t care about the MSM!! According to Bill Whittle (9:18) there were ONLY two people who would actually take on the MSM, one was Breitbart, the other is NEWT!!! Wake up America!!!

There are only two Republicans who can make reporters look this stupid … and the other one is Palin:)

Newt/Palin 2012 – the MSM’s worst nightmare!

This access to birth control nonsense makes me want to scream. I did some research and found the Target closest to Georgetown Law is a mere 3.1 miles away. Target advertises $4 generic prescriptions including Tri-Sprintec (28) Oral, aka “The Pill.” Clearly I don’t have Ms. Fluke’s superior intellect as I have never been accepted to a prestigious law school as she has. Nevertheless, it took me less than 20 minutes to find a $48 alternative to the $1000/year birth control dilemma she claims burdens female students at Georgetown.

I spent years as a crisis counselor in a large suburban Philly high school. One thing I learned through that work, there is absolutely no limit to free or low cost birth control. Students joked about being handed free condoms at nearly every event they attended outside school.

I’ve seen pictures on Facebook of students who have accumulated drawers full of condoms in every conceivable color variation. They may have dismal job prospects but they have condoms out the wazoo. It is beyond me why Catholic institutions must become suppliers as well. Of course, none of this is really about birth control, it is about election politics. Emperor Obama can’t very well toss baskets of gold coins to the plebes so he is choosing to toss condoms and dial packs instead. Just wait till the plebes get the bill for their election-year swag.

    Mary Sue in reply to Mary Sue. | March 4, 2012 at 4:25 pm

    Further proof I am not as smart as Ms. Fluke – I posted my darn comment twice. Ignore the one below.

      William A. Jacobson in reply to Mary Sue. | March 4, 2012 at 4:35 pm

      If you post things with a lot of links, it gets caught in spam filter.

      turfmonster in reply to Mary Sue. | March 4, 2012 at 6:39 pm

      What you wrote twice, is worth reading twice, and I’m hoping that GOP operatives will pick up on what you’ve posted and bring the country’s attention to it.

      You’re right on target about an important fact about Fluke’s testimony. She could have picked up a month’s worth of generic brand oral contraceptives for $9 a month from a nearby Target pharmacy, yet she either wasn’t aware of this, or she left this fact out. I’m convinced that it was the latter since there is no way she and her fellow feminists wouldn’t have known about this. Or were told about it.

        Mary Sue in reply to turfmonster. | March 4, 2012 at 9:36 pm

        Thanks Turfmonster, I think you are spot-on in suggesting Ms. Fluke deliberately left this point out of her testimony. I was never permitted by the school district to tell students where to access birth control. Fortunately I was never in a position where I needed to tell them; they could educate me on the subject.

        This is such a mind-boggling distraction. How is it that every candidate is grilled, prodded and probed to renounce Rush Limbaugh when it was this incompetent administration that issued this ridiculous edict in the first place? I would love one of the members of the media elite to produce a poll showing access to birth control as an issue weighing on the minds of voters in this economy. How about access to jobs for heavens sake. Ms Fluke and Barack Obama are the only two people in America who stand to benefit from making the focus of this election on birth control pills.

    Ragspierre in reply to Mary Sue. | March 4, 2012 at 4:32 pm

    “One thing I learned through that work, there is absolutely no limit to free or low cost birth control.”

    Which is why it is true that there can be no “free good”. Demand approaches infinity when there is no cost.

    WarEagle82 in reply to Mary Sue. | March 4, 2012 at 5:01 pm

    Elitist, GU law school snobs don’t shop at Wal-Mart or Target! How dare you further insult MZ. Fluke! You must HATE womym and want to keep them barefoot and in the kitchen!

    BannedbytheGuardian in reply to Mary Sue. | March 4, 2012 at 5:42 pm

    Mary Sue – Am I first to post this ?

    Georgetown Girls are mighty fat

    Dooh Dah Dooh Dah

    Generic brands do more of that

    Dooh Dah Dooh Dah

    Hey Georgetown Girls Hey Georgetown Girls

    Georgetown Girls got golden muff

    Dooh Dah Dooh Dah

    Georgetown Girls need expensive stuff

    Hey Georgetown Girls Hey Georgetown Girls

    Walmart is not good enough

    Dah dooh dah deeeeehhhhh.

      BannedbytheGuardian in reply to BannedbytheGuardian. | March 4, 2012 at 5:54 pm

      Hehe . Now I have that ditty on my mind I am off for a swim.

      BTW Georgetown students were the ones rounded up to celebrate outside the WH on OBL day. Remember the delay?

      They & the admin have been working together for some time.

      Ironically in post DaVinci Code urban legend they really are the one percenters.

    bobby b in reply to Mary Sue. | March 5, 2012 at 2:59 pm

    “. They may have dismal job prospects but they have condoms out the wazoo.”

    In fairness, would you hire someone with a condom hanging out of their . . . ahh . . . . never mind.

This access to birth control nonsense makes me want to scream. I did some research and found the Target closest to Georgetown Law is a mere 3.1 miles away. Target advertises $4 generic prescriptions including Tri-Sprintec (28) Oral, aka “The Pill.” Clearly I don’t have Ms. Fluke’s superior intellect as I have never been accepted to a prestigious law school as she has. Nevertheless, it took me less than 20 minutes to find a $48 alternative to the $1000/year birth control dilemma she claims burdens female students at Georgetown.

I spent years as a crisis counselor in a large suburban Philly high school. One thing I learned through that work, there is absolutely no limit to free or low cost birth control. Students joked about being handed free condoms at nearly every event they attended outside school. I’ve seen pictures on Facebook of students who have accumulated drawers full of condoms in every conceivable color variation. They may have dismal job prospects but they have condoms out the wazoo. It is beyond me why Catholic institutions must become suppliers as well.

Of course, none of this is really about birth control, it is about election politics. Emperor Obama can’t very well toss baskets of gold coins to the plebes so he is choosing to toss condoms and dial-packs instead. Just wait till the plebes get the bill for their election-year swagg.

The federal government is having citizens pay for votes for the permanent political class. They are in the election business, and it pays well.

    Uncle Samuel in reply to CWLsun. | March 4, 2012 at 9:18 pm

    Very good point, CWLsun.

    There are those who work for a living and those who vote for a living.

    The voters are about to outnumber the workers.

    That is scary.

Assuming you are married David Gregory, how many occasions OUTSIDE of that marriage have you had sexual relations?

Don’t be shy, David.
1. With a woman?
2. With a man?
3. With an animal?
4. All of above?
Bonus Question:
At the same time?
Double Points Question:
Were YOU and or whom or whatever wearing rub condominiums? < yeah, yeah, itsa' joke son, a joke I say [Foghorn]

Are journalists that stupid or disingenuous? My goodness that man is dense.

myohmymanatee | March 4, 2012 at 5:28 pm

This is not about women’s right. Sadly this will not be the last. There will be more edicts or mandates coming out from the WH.

Absolute proof (not that any more was needed) that Andrew Breitbart was right that enemy is the media, not merely liberalism.

Newt handled it moderately well, which makes him clearly the best (in this type of situation) of all the republican presidential candidates.

In regards to birth control prescriptions, according to this study low income women who NOW have health insurance actually have to go to a pharmacy to get it, while beforehand they would just get it at the the community health clinic.

Sort of a weird freakonomics going here. Also due to the instability of many poor women, not having a fixed address year to year at times, they lose insurance coverage because the fail to deal with the paper work.

Overall it is an interesting read.

“Specifically, some low-income women report that changes in the way they access contraceptive services since health reform have created new hurdles.56 Certain traditional
providers of reproductive health care, including family planning or community health centers, are not covered under private health plans.57 Since becoming insured, women receive prescriptions to take to a pharmacy as opposed to receiving contraceptive supplies directly from
their family planning clinic.58 Some newly insured women do not understand how to use a prescription, and their pharmacists do not understand Commonwealth Care plans.59 As a result, women must return to family planning clinics for assistance.60”

myohmymanatee | March 4, 2012 at 7:15 pm

Newsbuster is correct. “The idea that with soaring gas prices, stubbornly high unemployment, staggering budget deficits, and another looming war in the Middle East the nation is locked in a debate about what costs as little as fifteen dollars a month should be totally appalling to folks on both sides of the aisle.”

Don’t let the media dictate the narrative. This current president is an EPIC FAILURE. ABO 2012.


NARAL is operating on your website, so I thought I’d invite your readers to comment.

I want us all to be clear on this: the bill has nothing to do with our rights, or our choices. It has do do with who pays for our entertainment.

Of the main candidates (Newt, Romney and Santorum), only Newt could have so eloquently explained the truth.

    Newt really seems to be the only prominent Republican politician who, like Breitbart did, really understands how the media works to favor their liberal biases and that we have to push back or else fall into their traps.

Go Newt!