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Hilary Rosen last night: Ann Romney "has never worked a day in her life." Hilary Rosen September 4, 2008: And what about the argument that [Sarah Palin] is a negligent mother who will be distracted from her important role? I am a mother who constantly feels the pressure from others about...


The media must be fed: Mug shot: Charges: The Speech Let me emphasize that we do not prosecute by pressure or petition.  We prosecute cases based on the relevant facts of each case and on the laws of the state of Florida...

Don't be upset, your DADDD isn't the only one who feels this way. From reader Diane: Seen this morning at Ace Hardware in Avon, CT, a small purple dot in a sea of New England progressive blue. ...

What do 2008 and 2012 have in common? The war on conservative women CNN commenter Hilary Rosen lit into Ann Romney for never having worked a day in her life: And Rosen is doubling down on Twitter: Ann Romney inaugurated her own Twitter account with a response: Update:  Rosen, a...

Developing Story via Fox News: Zimmerman is in custody and, according to AP sources, will be charged with 2nd-degree murder. More details and official charges to follow during scheduled 6pm press conference with Special Prosecutor Angela Corey. UPDATE (ongoing): Some notable quotes from Special Prosecutor Corey at the press...

Getting rid of the penny is like converting to the metric system: people argue for years that it is inevitable, but it never really comes to fruition. Instead it remains a staple of elementary civics discussions I always wondered who would really lobby for the penny as it...

No big surprise here. Via ABC News: A decision on whether to charge Florida neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman with the shooting death of unarmed teen Trayvon Martin has been made, sources told ABC News. The decision by Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey is expected to be announced...

When an administration has completely botched handling of economic issues during its first term, how does it go about seeking reelection where the economy is the most important issue? Somehow, the logical thing to do is talk about raising taxes. Ordinarily, this would be political...

Obama's targeting of demonized groups has been narrowing over time, something documented here since the 2008 campaign. Remember when the Top 5% were the target? Phew, that's so 2008. Then the Top 2%.  Phew, that's so 2009. Then the Top 1%.  Phew, that's so 2010. Then Wall Street.  Phew,...

I think Josh Marshall has it exactly right, Romney Telegraphing Loss: As noted this morning, Wednesday April 11th is day one of the general election.  But there are things I’m seeing that tell me that Mitt Romney is kicking off the campaign in a telling defensive...

An interesting decisionwas handed down by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, written by Chief Judge Alex Kozinski. The case involved employees who had downloaded confidential company information which they were permitted to access, but not permitted to share.  The issue wasn't whether the employer had...

You go to war with the Mitt you have. That's the view of John Hawkins, co-founder of, in a post at his blog Right Wing News: At this late date, at a minimum, I’d still prefer Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Tim Pawlenty, Rich Santorum, Jon Huntsman,...

From reader Wayne: I saw this in a parking lot in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Not certain if you've seen it before since it's four years old. I bet it was funny back in 2008 but my thinking is that today, 'our only hope' sounds far better than...

I have posted before how Cumulus Broadcasting, cheered on by Rush boycotters, is setting up Mike Huckabee to challenge Rush. Jeffrey Lord has the story how Huckabee Show Opens With Staged Caller: Wow. As we often say here: you just can't make it up. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee took...

If you don't already, I recommend subscribing to Minding the Campus, a web-based mag focused on the American university from The Manhattan Institute. Today, John Leo has a fun post titled "One Result of Income Inequality--Dubious Psychological Studies." As an academic specialty, psychology suffers from a...