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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


With the news that 50 states  now have presented secession petitions on the White House's "We the People" website, Huffington Post conducted their own poll to determine national support for the idea. Four questions were asked to ascertain 1) awarness of secession, 2) support for secession in...


Fordham Republicans v. Coulter: The College Republicans regret the controversy surrounding our planned lecture featuring Ann Coulter. The size and severity of opposition to this event have caught us by surprise and caused us to question our decision to welcome her to Rose Hill...

From AJ, spotted on a Volvo: Saw this in Philly by City Hall. Is the implication that religion is bad and it would be good for the poor to do this? I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the putative owner of this nice...

Some headlines.  Also check out our Israeli blog friends, and the Twitter feed below. ‘Anonymous’ escalates cyber-war against Israel and pro-Israel groups Cabinet OKs 75,000 reservists for possible Gaza operation Senior Hamas terrorist Ahmed Abu Jalal killed in an Israeli air strike in the Maghazi district in central Gaza. Iran’s...

Unfortunately, I have not been able to devote time to the latest hub-bub about Mitt Romney telling donors that free stuff for certain groups lost him the election. That's an oversimplification, there were a variety of factors, but who can deny that free stuff was part...

Outside of Google Docs, the word collaborator refers to someone who cooperates with an enemy in a time of war. Gazans in general and Hamas in particular consider themselves to be at war with Israel.  Via the New York Times: Masked gunmen in Gaza summarily executed a...

That's the response I have received so far to my multiple requests for an interview with the Fordham University President, Father Joseph M. McShane. Among other things, I wanted to ask him why he chose uniquely to publicly shame the Fordham Republicans and Ann Coulter, while the...

There is a lot of talk about Elizabeth Warren being put on the Senate Banking Committee, a natural if not controversial fit for her. But so far there's very little talk about an additional possibility, that Warren may have a role in the hearings on confirmation of federal...

As an amateur Egyptologist who occasionally writes about Egypt at the Temple of Mut, my specialty is mummies. So, I know dead things and can say with certainty: The Tea Party is NOT dead. I have been a Tea Party activist since the first nationwide series...

You can count on the New York Times for the latest in conventional wisdom’s preferred narrative.  But this attitude typically reaches its apotheosis when Times reporters do their best to be evenhanded about fighting in the Mideast. Israel and Hamas widened their deadly conflict over Gaza...

From reader Korie, with a subject line "Even in Utah": Saw these on my recent trip to Salt Lake City, Utah and had to send a picture in. All 3 are on the same car. I would have loved to include a picture of the lady pumping...

In addition to taking a look at our Blog Friends in Israel, I've created this Twitter widget of news sources for the latest. I have not embedded the #PillarOfDefense hashtag because hastags can get hijacked by hostile Twitter users. The other problem is unreliable reports, so I've...

You know Pallywood, the Palestinian industry devoted to manipulating the Western press through fake injuries and damage from Israelis. It's back in Gaza, once again. Via Honest Reporting (h/t Right Scoop): Don't think it's just during war. This video shows how Palestinians push their children forward to try...

At his news conference yesterday (first in nine months!), President Obama responded angrily to the announcement by Senators McCain and Graham that they will do everything they can to block the (potential) nomination of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to be secretary of state in Obama’s...

I am still trying to obtain an interview with Father Joseph M. McShane, President of Fordham University, who spoke out forcefully condemning the invitation by the Fordham Republicans to Ann Coulter. Robert Shibley of The FIRE notes at College Insurrectionthat Fordham defends its invitation to infanticide supporter...