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“Father McShane isn’t available for an interview, I’m afraid”

“Father McShane isn’t available for an interview, I’m afraid”

That’s the response I have received so far to my multiple requests for an interview with the Fordham University President, Father Joseph M. McShane.

Among other things, I wanted to ask him why he chose uniquely to publicly shame the Fordham Republicans and Ann Coulter, while the University welcomes infanticide supporter Peter Singer.

I address this topic again in a post at College Insurrection, Fordham — Coulter bad, OWS supporting Prof who calls Republicans evil, stupid, hateful and psycho, good.

The Forham College Republicans were not officially censored, but they were treated by the Fordham administration and others on the Fordham campus in a manner which caused them to self-censor.

The persons (more on that later) at the Fordham Republicans who made the decision to rescind the invitation to Coulter should have shown more backbone, but that’s easier said than done when young people are relatively isolated on a campus and facing a firestorm of criticism to which the University administration was a party.

That self-censorship, when the result of inconsistenly applied standards by the head of a University, is just as pernicious as the real thing.

Update 11-17-2012Fordham v. Coulter week at College Insurrection


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I’m sure Fr. McShane is a very, very busy man. He has donors to groom, speech to squelch, etc., etc.

AND accountability is for little people…

Complain to his boss.

Jack The Ripper | November 16, 2012 at 3:58 pm

That’s a McShame.

That self-censorship, when the result of inconsistenly applied standards by the head of a University, is just as pernicious as the real thing

Don’t forget McShame has has now applauded the Republican Club’s act of self censorship, saying “There can be no finer testament to the value of a Fordham education and the caliber of our students”

McShame is a weasel. I know many a proud RAM and this crap is not a testament to the calibre of FU students. Its a disgrace Father McShame

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to george. | November 17, 2012 at 3:04 am

    Deep don, we all like a fighter, win, lose or draw. Even lefties like fighters.

    The real loss here is that even the students who disagree with the ‘pub students will now view them as the weak-kneed losers they are.

    This capitulation was disgraceful.


Perhaps the “Father” supports involuntary population control through eugenics, its voluntary follow-on “Roe vs Wade”, or their euphemistic successor, “reproductive rights”. He wouldn’t be the first hypocrite to sponsor intentional or accidental subversion from within.

As for the rest, he is apparently a greedy bastard, as are we all, but most in moderation. However, where we favor voluntary (i.e. economic and charitable) exploitation, he seems to prefer involuntary and fraudulent exploitation.

Both of the Father’s implicit positions are contrary to his faith. God does not favor slavery and He values individual dignity. He certainly has a vested interest in preserving the intrinsic value of human life. His test is of individual conscience.

casualobserver | November 16, 2012 at 4:39 pm

Shouldn’t people be asking the church for a position on this and free speech in general?

Also, I have a hard time excusing the Fordham College Republicans for not fighting tooth and nail. how will they behave as adults in the real world?

Despite the protestations of freedom of religion as relates to contraception etc, the church in general remains a tool of the left. It has been that way for decades so don’t expect any meaningful change in the near future.

Priests such as Fr McShane make one wonder why one should remain a Catholic.It is if the clergy wants to drive people away from the Church.

    ThomasD in reply to paulejb. | November 16, 2012 at 8:02 pm


    Not following your logic.

    McShane is as fallible as anyone. This is most evident in the chasm between his own behavior and the teachings of the his religion.

    He is receiving so much attention precisely because his behavior has placed him at odds with his faith.

    Yes it reflects negatively on him, but why would this be seen as reflecting poorly on the Church?

JackRussellTerrierist | November 17, 2012 at 3:00 am

Professor, I take issue with your comment here: “The persons (more on that later) at the Fordham Republicans who made the decision to rescind the invitation to Coulter should have shown more backbone, but that’s easier said than done when young people are relatively isolated on a campus and facing a firestorm of criticism to which the University administration was a party.”

This is really about leadership and backbone. It was spineless for the ‘pub students to cave. Putting another face on it is what gives us the weak party leadership we suffer today. The damned ‘pubs ALWAYS cave. They won’t or don’t know how to street-fight. They need to stand up and start swinging a ball bat when these leftist reptiles start spewing their dogma and spin instead of tucking their tails between their legs and slinking off in fear of the slimestream media and the mobs of alinskyite hounds set by their community-organizing commie masters.

    It’s easy to talk tough from afar. It’s a lot harder when you are young and isolated.

    The signal you send to young conservatives in a difficlut situation is that they are not only open to attack from lefties but also from second guessing blowhards like you.

    And your “advice” is stupid if meant literally and meaningless if meant figuratively.

living da dream | November 17, 2012 at 8:34 am

This is what your get in Jesuit- run institution … Don’t like it, get out. Or push back and realize there are consequences..

Maybe the Young republicans can get Angela Davis to sub for Coulter?