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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Not often anymore, mostly just hack attacks on Republicans. But this is good, even if it does take a gratuitous shot at Dick Cheney, Andy Borowitz, U.S. Cancels Regular Drone Strikes on Saturdays: WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Citing budgetary concerns, the United  States announced today that it would...


Today marked the 1000th post at College Insurrection, CA schools give up teaching algebra in 8th grade. Thanks to Aleister of American Glob and Leslie Eastman of Temple of Mut (and Legal Insurrection) for their help in creating and aggregating content daily. Thanks also to our guest...

We have focused frequently on the lawfare strategy against Israel, advocated by people like Hastings College of Law Professor George Bisharat, which has been a primary focus of Palestinian political strategy ever since Israel put a halt to suicide bombings by building the security barrier. Lawfare...

Gender Bender Brown University Will Cover Sex Change Operations for Students NC Gov speaks truth to Gender Studies power Swarthmore’s new “Masturbatory Theater” club Big college concern — how to fix the ‘Orgasm Gap’ The Fun, New Campus Activity: Racy Facebook Confessions Just twisted: Dartmouth Says Ski Team Can’t Dye Their Hair...

This video of Dr. Benjamin Carson, Sr. speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast is getting attention. It was forwarded to me by Linda in Tennessee: Watch Obama squirm and cover his mouth with his fingers If you're looking for positive reinforcement, you'll be cheering Dr Carson's courage to...

We recently posted a story on changing the direction of political dialog in this country, which asked the following question: How do we get a foothold for conservative ideas in the public schools, and how do we expand that foothold over time? An Idaho lawmaker may be...

Jesse Jackson, Jr., the man some of us came to know as "Senate Candidate Number 5" for his involvement in the attempted crooked deal to replace the senate seat Barack Obama left vacant, reportedly has signed a plea deal. The terms require him to plead guilty,...

The Professor wrote about the Illinois judge Cynthia Brim who had been suspended since March 2011, charged with assaulting a sheriff's deputy and throwing her keys as she entered the courthouse where she worked in downtown Chicago. This week, Brim was found not guilty by reason...

I think they're in looooove. They're calling her "Wonder Warren" because -- wait for it -- she asked a government agency for more information because she suspected it was obfuscating and not being straight with the public!  Because no Senator or Congressman ever has done that before: Warren’s belief...

That blog is run by the pseudonymous SooperMexican, who broke the story actively concealed by all major media outlets, News Media Scrub Cop Murderer’s Manifesto of Pro-Obama, Hillary, MSNBC, CNN, Gay, and Anti-Gun Comments. And s/he's got the proof. And now it's pretty much all over the...

I was interviewed yesterday by Fox News online for a story about proposals around the nation for $10,000 college degrees.  We have covered this topic at College Insurrection. I came out pretty strongly in favor of the proposals, viewing a new tuition paradigm as the only viable...

My son just asked for the definition of a "Sisyphean task", as he is studying Greek myths in school. My answer: Trying to address the most liberty-crushing item from the Obama Administration. For example, I caught a Twitter hashtag that highlights a new concern about this administration's...

The long inexorable descent of the Southern Poverty Law Center continues with the revelation that the shooter at the Family Research Council used the SPLC Hate Group list to target the FRC. I have commented on the absurdity the SPLC has become many times before: Saturday Night...

Professor Jacobson just analyzed how the left effectively uses web-pages to deride conservatives and their policies, and observes it is worthwhile looking at the integration of culture and politics. Anne Sorock offered a hands-on approach to change the direction of local media. And I stress the importance...