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The Bow controversy will not stop. Jake Tapper at his blog has some comments by an expert on Japanese cultural norms arguing that Obama’s close inspection of the Emperor’s shoes was neither protocol nor culturally appropriate: “The bow as he performed did not just display...

Anyone who questions the wisdom of bringing non-civilian Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to trial in a civilian court stands accused of reducing 9/11 to kitschy memory, or something like that: In the years since, “9/11” has turned into a shorthand for patriotic kitsch for the Wingnutteria,...

Memeorandum is the source for what is happening in the U.S. political blogosphere. Using some mysterious method, apparently based on an algorithm and Voodoo, Memeorandum captures the hot stories from blogs and online news sources. Getting a Memeorandum thread is a good thing for a...

This is my obligatory “Obama changed his mind on military tribunals” post. Back in 2006 when the Senate debated the legislation creating constitutionally acceptable military tribunals, as a reaction to the Supreme Court ruling in the Hamdan case, Obama was confident that a full military...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Tonight is a two-fer. Extremely ironic post title, with the race card thrown in no extra charge. From John Cole at Balloon Juice, An Object Lesson on Not...

There will be plenty of time to analyze the wisdom or lack thereof in bringing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to New York City for a civilian criminal trial. Plenty of times as in years and possibly decades of legal wrangling over a host of issues. But...

Yes, he did it again:Now the obligatory: When will the NY Times dust off the criticism of Bill Clinton’s “almost bow” to the Emperor? “IF I see another king, I think I shall bite him,” Teddy Roosevelt once growled. Offered that opportunity with the Japanese...

In honor of the first historic trip of the first “Pacific President” to the Pacific; and In further honor of the capitalist entrepreneurship of the Chinese people who have honored the occasion with the “Obama Mao” T-shirt; and The Communist government of China having banned...

I really wish I had more time to devote to this today, but I don’t, so I’ll be quick. The hysteria, pushed by HuffPo Blogger Alison Kilkenny, over the “threat” by the Catholic Archdiocese charities to terminate services to the poor in D.C., is a...

Just a couple of days ago I wrote of the fundraising boycott of the Democratic National Committee and Obama campaign apparatus by liberal gay rights activists. The boycott was in reaction to almost complete inaction, and in some cases what was perceived as insulting conduct,...

Karl Eikenberry, who was in charge of training the Afghan Army from 2002-2003, and in charge of all U.S. military operations in Afghanistan from 2005-2007, now is Ambassador to Afghanistan. Eikenberry apparently is the dissenting voice on the Obama national security team which caused Obama...

Good morning. Hope you slept well. You won’t tonight, after seeing this, from the CBO website: Federal Budget Deficit as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product (By fiscal year) ——————————————– Related Posts: 100% Plus Taxation Key To Permanent Dem Majority For Crying Out Loud: “Barack...

Obama is rejecting all Afghanistan military options presented to him by his national security team after months of consultation, and wants “revisions to clarify how and when U.S. troops would turn over responsibility to the Afghan government.” Will someone tell our President this is not...

Ezra Klein posts The $900 billion mistake, about how Barack Obama picked that number out of thin air in his September 2009 speech on health care, as to what health care reform should cost. That arbitrary number has flummoxed Democrats in coming up with a...

Obama’s speech at Fort Hood has been declared to be his greatest speech ever. Seemed appropriate, but pedestrian, to me. Now if Obama had spoken from the heart without a teleprompter, that would have been special. I much preferred Obama’s “my pet goat” speech, when...

Hey Selma, this should make you happy. Rasmussen reports that Obama is down to -10% on the strong approve/disapprove index, and his overall approval is down to 46%: The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters Strongly...

Harry Reid has a big announcement: Debate will start on Monday on the health care bill! (Assuming Reid gets enough votes to start debate). Which health care bill? We do not know. Reid has not released the bill. He’s keeping it in his rather-large back...