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The Democratic base has convinced itself that the problem is that Obama has not succeeded in passing health care legislation and other items on his agenda. The possibility that their agenda is being rejected by voters never enters their minds. Here’s a pretty good analysis...

Good news. The NY Times is reporting that the second in command of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Baradar, has been captured in Pakistan. The capture was undertaken by the Pakistanis with help from the CIA: Details of the raid remain murky, but officials said that...

Yes, honey, there were. What happened? That’s a good question. ——————————————–Related Posts:Dems’ Strategy of CrazySheldon Whitehouse Becomes Alan GraysonDems Stuck With Blog Hero Grayson Follow me on Twitter and Facebook

The latest in the “how do they think this stuff up” series, Matthew Yglesias on the new definition of immorality, namely, doing something which hurts the Democratic Party (emphasis mine): Obviously, Evan Bayh’s never been my favorite Senator. And the more one learns about both the...

Via Hotline OnCall: Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) will not seek a 3rd term in the Senate next year, according to a Dem source, handing Dems yet another setback as they struggle to salvage their damaged ship. Bayh, elected statewide 5 times, will become the 5th...

I was reading, and rather enjoying, Bob Cesca’s rant (Time for the Democrats to Get Loud and Fearless) at HuffPo. The post was about — get ready for this because you’ve probably never heard this before — how stupid Sarah Palin is and how mean...

On November 29, 2008, in the wake of the Mumbai massacre and the election of Barack Obama (no connection drawn, just historically close in time), I wrote of the dilemma faced on whether to kill or capture terrorists: Giving Terrorists “Rights” May Lead To More...

William Lynch, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Rhode Island for the past decade, has thrown his hat into the ring to run to replace Patrick Kennedy. Please, please let Lynch get the Democratic nomination. Lynch is so deeply part of the problem, has opposed...

The death of Obamacare has been predicted many times. But such reports were premature, at least if Obama has his way. The upcoming “bipartisan” summit on health care demonstrates that Obamacare is attempting to rise from the Congressional grave. So committed is Obama to his...

This is the latest in the Saturday Night Card Game series on the use of the race card for political gain: Charles Ogletree is a Professor at Harvard Law School. Ogletree who is black, has decided that to call Barack Obama “professor” has racist connotations:...

Amy Bishop, who killed three fellow professors at the University of Alabama – Huntsville because she was denied tenure, obviously was a disturbed person. Her politics, whatever they may have been, are irrelevant. She did the crime, and now she needs to do the time...

On February 28, 2009, Barack Obama gave a weekly address regarding his proposed massive budget in which Obama ramped up his attack on lobbyists: I know these steps won’t sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of...

The bowing out of Patrick Kennedy is a plus, on many different levels. But this positive should not be construed as a guarantee that the seat will leave the Democratic Party. Rhode Island is one of the bluest states. The Democrats control the legislature and...

Reports are that Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) will not be running for reelection. Everyone is wondering why. If I weren’t such a humble person, I might suggest the following:Now what do I do? Update: Upside of Patrick leaving so soon, I got an Instalanche out of...

The Creepshow which has become Palin Derangement Syndrome is so enthralling to watch. The Black Bracelet crowd cannot figure out if Palin is Anatoly Karpov or some strange combination of Raymond Shaw and Barbi Benton. Act I, Palin as Chess Grandmaster (h/t HotAir), via HuffPo...

The Gail Collins has a column today in which she reviews the sordid history of corruption in New York and Illinois (with shout outs to some other states), and concludes that Illinois wins the most-corrupt state race. But TGC forgot to connect the dots: Everyone...

I’m not going to wade into the minutiae of Leon Wieseltier’s article at The New Republic as to whether Andrew Sullivan is anti-Semitic because of Sullivan’s anti-Israel tirades. I agree with James Joyner that the terms “anti-Semitic” along with “racist” and “homophobe” are so overused...