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Nothing to worry about in Yemen: Because al-Qaeda is just a joke: Apparently, al-Qaeda doesn’t have a Twitter account, so it never got the message. ——————————————–Related Posts:About That “Firecracker”Not So Scary Terror?Terrorist Attacks Plane, Think Progress Attacks Pete Hoekstra Follow me on Twitter and Facebook

Ben Nelson and Mary Landrieu sold their reputations for hometown deals as part of the Senate health care bill. Now that the Senate bill is dead, they have nothing to show for the sale. Raymond J. Donovan was Secretary of Labor under Ronald Reagan. Donovan...

April 29, 2009, Relax, The Dems Will Screw Up: What history shows us is that a liberal, blame-America-first Democratic President, urged on by a liberal, blame-America-first Democratic Congress, is a prescription for political self-destruction. Leave Democrats to their own devices, and they will screw themselves...

Hot off the presses: After Scott Brown’s victory, the only thing that could top this would be for Nancy Pelosi to announce that she doesn’t have the votes in the House to pass Harrycare. Hey, you can’t take away my dreams. Update: OMG, dreams really...

While Democrats of all stripes are taking pot shots at each other over Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts, others are preparing to make sure the next Scott Brown is smeared before he or she can get traction. Martha Coakley’s many gaffes were of her own...

The Democrats’ plan to force through an unpopular health care restructuring bill is not dead. Various procedural maneuvers are under consideration to get the bill through, in one form or another, in a manner which does not require another Senate cloture vote now that the...

From the political scientist who passes off insult as analysis, came this snark directed at me for my analysis of the January 5, 2010 Rasmussen Poll which ignited interest in this race: The fact that even the polling firm most favorable to the GOP has...

Following the coverage of the Massachusetts Senate special election the past few weeks meant I had to read The Boston Globe online. Much of The Globe’s coverage was geared towards gaming the election for Martha Coakley, including the disingenuous announcement on election morning that the...

Advice to Democrats. The “progressive” agenda is not to blame. Obama is not to blame. All really would have been well had Martha Coakley achieved Obama’s numbers (duh), according to John Cole at Balloon-Juice: I know a lot of you are really upset about the...

Another in the “how do they think this stuff up” category. Guess who were the biggest losers in the Massachusetts Senate special election yesterday. The people of Bangladesh, according to Matthew Yglesias: Who’s going to gain and who’s going to lose if Scott Brown becomes...

There. I said it and I put it on the internet. Now get out and vote on Tuesday, for Scott Brown. [youtube=] h/t Randy Haddock Update: Olbermann should be mocked for the pathetic clown he has become, a joke of a person dragging down his...

CNN Audience Interaction Producer Eric Kuhn is all over this election, a step ahead of the rest of us, GOP candidate dominates social networking in Massachusetts: On the eve of the Massachusetts special election Tuesday to replace the late Sen. Edward Kennedy, the Republican candidate...

This blog will go “live” tomorrow, starting in the morning, following the developments in the Massachusetts Senate special election. Assuming the technology works (!), I’ll have a live window in which people can see my posts and comment in real time (note to trolls, I...

By now, the hideous rape mailer sent out by the Massachusetts Democratic Party in support of Martha Coakley has been called out by commentators on the right and left as one of the more heinous tactics in the tawdry annals of American politics. Coakley has...

Okay, it’s not Jane Hamsher (who has not responded to my Open Letter), but another blogger at Firedoglake is calling for progressives to oppose Martha Coakley, Progressives, please help defeat Coakley: It is very important that progressives help defeat Coakley. Please read my explanation. The...

PPP has just released its final poll of the Massachusetts Senate special election, and PPP gives Scott Brown a 5 point advantage, 51-46: Scott Brown leads Martha Coakley 51-46 in our final Massachusetts Senate poll, an advantage that is within the margin of error for...

Current Weather Forecast for Boston, Tuesday, January 19, 2010: Tuesday…Cloudy. A chance of snow showers in the morning…then a chance of rain showers in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 30s. South winds around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation 40 percent. Is that cold enough...