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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



From Foxfier: at a family gathering in central Oregon I noticed this car parked at our hotel and couldn’t believe the walking cliche; while I snapped a couple of pictures, a man walked up and said “hey, at least let me wash it before you take...

Some good stuff in the Tip Line (which is more of a reader open forum than just for "tips"). H/t to JCClarke for the link I used in this tweet today: And this tip from Bruno Lesky shows how the fight against progressive propaganda is taking...

Well, this was a bit of mysterious news today.  Apparently, the owner of Lavabit - the same email service reportedly used by NSA leaker Edward Snowden to contact human rights groups last month - has decided to shut down its operations in order to avoid...

That seems to be how this thing is going to develop. Private citizen Hillary is just going about her private business, helping establish the pantsuit as cultural icon and just chilling. The rebranding thing is really hard work. All the while, hapless fall-guy John Kerry travels the...

Obligatory. Sweeping the internets, based on Drudge exclusive, not yet confirmed by Fox News: If true, it would mark a shift away from opinion coverage as we approach 2014-2016. If, that is, Hannity is out. This doesn't exhaust all the possibilities, but includes the ones that came to...

The Fort Hood shooting trial resumed Thursday after the judge refused to grant a request from Nidal Hasan's standby defense attorneys to drop out of the case.  The attorneys argued Wednesday that Hasan’s strategy in court thus far has demonstrated that the defendant – who...

The pro-Morsi protest that almost was: With an iron will, the People of Egypt will stand up to the military junta.  Here, you troops, here is your Zionist-loving tear gas canister back at you! Our women! Look what they did to our women! Oh Lord, we will not...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco...

From KK: Taken in Princeton...

Day two in the trial of the accused Fort Hood shooter came to an unexpected halt Wednesday morning, after standby defense attorneys for Nidal Hasan requested to either be reinstated as official counsel or be removed from the case entirely.  The attorneys filed a motion,...

He's running for Senate in Arkansas in a bid to unseat Democrat Mark Pryor. I know almost nothing about Cotton or the Republican field.  Who else is expected to run in the Republican primary? This ad just released by Pryor attacking Cotton with the usual Democratic hyperbole and misdirection, tells me at least Pryor is worried: Expect Cotton or whoever the Republican nominee to hang Obamacare around Pryor's neck: Pryor plays pretty fast and loose with the facts: