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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


TaxProf is out with his latest law professor blog traffic rankings for the trailing 12 months ending 6-30-2013. I reprint these each Quarter merely as a public service, because you have a right to know. (Usual caveat, because Instapundit does not have a public SiteMeter, you can...


In my last report on San Diego mayor Bob Filner, I noted that he brought Washington, D.C.’s sense of teamwork and fair play with him. At that time, Filner crashed  a press conference held by City Attorney Jan Goldsmith responding to the mayor’s call for a...

Republicans struck a deal to avoid Harry Reid going nuclear on the filibuster of Obama nominees. So the filibuster remains in place for one of two things to happen: (1) Democrats retain control of the Senate in 2014, and Republicans continue to confirm Obama nominees and legislative...

We previously wrote about this, Run, Liz Cheney, Run and Our second team. Now it's official: I wanted her to run because we need competition in primaries -- no more entitlements. Now that she's running, she'll have earn the nomination....

This week has made my head hurt from all the shaking in disbelief. It's almost overwhelming, the multitude of absurd race-agitating actions and words coming from those who refuse to accept the facts and law as to the Zimmerman trial. This lawyer interviewed by Greta is part of the...

Ever since California TV station KTVU erroneously aired the fake names of four pilots falsely purported to be those of Asiana Flight 214, the story has gone viral and left many wondering how the station could have possibly missed that the names were fake. Some blogs..., which does not have a staff that looks like America, continues its branding as the place to go for lectures on White Privilege, Whiteness, and how race drives almost everything in America. And it's not just David Sirota.  They even have a "white people" tag. In the wake...

Edward Snowden officially filed for temporary asylum in Russia on Tuesday, according to the Russian Migration Service and a Russian human rights lawyer.  Wikileaks also tweeted out a confirmation of the news. From Russia Today: The Russian Migration Service confirmed it has received whistleblower Edward Snowden’s application...

Well, that's it. George Zimmerman has his legal victory. Late in the night on Saturday, July 13, 2013, George officially survived a brutal and malicious legal assault backed by the full power of a State government intent on hanging a life sentence on an innocent man...

And it begins. Juror B37 gave an interview to CNN in which she said it was George Zimmerman screaming for help: [some video problems on CNN's side with embeds but appears to be working now] Meanwhile, the prosecutors are on the TV circuit defending themselves, and calling Zimmerman a murderer:
How would Florida State Attorney Angela Corey describe George Zimmerman in one word? "Murderer."
Update: Thanks to Common Cents, here is the full video interview:

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

The great thing about having your own blog is that you get to quote yourself. The title is a quote from my interview this morning with Lee Rayburn of WHCU 870 AM in Ithaca. ...