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If you asked me even a couple of weeks ago whether the Republican Party could heal from the wounds of this election cycle in time to unite against Obama, I would have said “Yes.” I’m not so sure anymore.  After the South Carolina primary the Republican establishment,...

In keeping with the video of the day, the polling isn’t exactly clear on what is happening here. On the one hand, numerous polls show Romney moving to a mid-to-high single digit lead in Florida, but Gallup and most other national polls show no upward movement for...

Whatever my criticisms of Rick Santorum, we owe him a debt of gratitude for this segment last night, which confirmed that Mitt Romney loves him some Romneycare: As Jeffrey Anderson writes, Romney’s defense of Romneycare will be political death in the general election: Romney then replied...

Endgame assessment: It’s almost like there were two debates. Early on Romney scored points against Newt on Freddie Mac and the “wealth issue,” and Santorum scored major points against Romney on Romneycare.  The first half of the debate was not strong for Newt, although I...

So this is the big bombshell? video platform video management video solutions video player The story she tells is not consistent with this 1999 interview in which she said Newt told her he wanted a divorce and she was totally shocked. Brian Ross says that...

I saw this coming from a mile away. Mitt Romney’s original position that he would not release his income tax returns, a position he held to for several weeks, now is slipping. At the debate last night Romney gave a convoluted answer that he “probably”...

It’s so frustrating, the failure of conservative media and Republican campaigns to vet Mitt Romney’s Bain days. Instead of hiring cartoonists to turn Newt into Marvin the Martian, National Review should have been digging deep into the public filings, court filings, and the financial history...

This is lighting up Twitter.  Colmes also uses the incident in a blog post today, linking to this 2005 WaPo article: In his Senate office, on a shelf next to an autographed baseball, Sen. Rick Santorum keeps a framed photo of his son Gabriel Michael, the fourth...

Mitt Romney has an emerging secrecy problem.  For someone whose primary claim to the nomination is that he has nothing to hide, he sure acts like he has something to hide. First, there was the cleansing of Massachusetts state records from his time as Governor, including...

other things: House Republicans reportedly caving in, and agreeing to two month extension with conference committee to be appointed.  This whole thing is a big mess, and Tina Korbe at HotAir has a good explanation of where it went wrong. Did you watch Obama’s press...

A lot of polls today showing Newt weakening substantially, and he’s finally doing a major media buy in Iowa starting with this ad, and launching a 44-stop bus tour.  I don’t think it’s too late, but it is late. Would Michele Bachmann be in second...

I don’t care for the phrase “public intellectual,” particularly when paired with “political thinker.” It tends to reference the most polemic or controversial people, skeptics of common sense. For instance, there are lots of great thinkers who have never ascended to notoriety the way Noam...

End game analysis:  Hard to assess.  Both Newt and Romney had tough segments, Newt’s earlier in the night, Romney towards end.  Newt had most highlight moments.  Perry fine, but not a real presence, not asked many questions.  Santorum very good.  Bachmann tough, but she doesn’t...

Charles Krauthammer said Newt Gingrich was speaking like a “socialist” because Newt, responding to Mitt Romney’s demand that Newt give back the consulting money he earned from Freddie Mac, said that he’d consider it if Romney gave back the money he earned from bankrupting companies...

Mitt Romney’s campaign has been moving negative on Newt for well over a week with a strategy to portray Newt as crazy, but since Romney’s debate debacle Saturday night and more polling showing Newt with a crushing lead almost everywhere, the Romney campaign now is...

In the wake of Herman Cain’s suspension of his campaign, lots of movement: Michele Bachmann claims to be picking up Cain supporters.  Just stop it.  Just stop it.  This is the same thing you pulled over the summer about Palin planning to endorse you. Rick...

End Game Assessment:  Something different.  Not sure we learned much.  Not having everyone or at least multiple candidates together allowed for stock answers.  This was not a format in which one candidate clearly could be a winner or loser. Clearly went after Newt with the...