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I’ve railed against the racket that higher education has become on this page before. I think more people should be able to abstain from going to college and I think the government should stop “helping” students. That being said, I also think Rick Santorum’s populist...

From University of Rochester (NY) Professor Stephen E. Landsburg, a blisteringly refreshing view of Sandra Fluke, Rush to Judgment (via Althouse h/t Instapundit): But while Ms. Fluke herself deserves the same basic respect we owe to any human being, her position — which is what’s at issue...

And I’m not talking about the attempt to get advertisers to stop advertising on Rush Limbaugh’s show, or Fox News, although that would be bad enough. I’m talking about the second-tier of the warfare, the attempt to intimidate those removed by one or more degrees...

Liberal groups have seized on a strategy I didn’t think would be effective, but has had some success, to go after advertisers of prominent conservative media personalities. Media Matters explicitly seeks to bring down Fox News and investigate its executives, and Fox News advertisers have...

An eighth grader in upstate New York has ruffled some feathers with an essay that casts the public school system as modern slavery. I wish I hadn’t clicked on the hyperlink, because – at face value – she seemed so right. Public schools discriminate based...

Mitt Romney had a very good line in his victory speech last night (emphasis mine): Weve seen enough of this President over the last three years to know that we dont need another four.  President Obama believes he is unchecked by our Constitution.  He is...

The last best hope of mankind tonight at 8 p.m. Eastern. In the meantime: They tried to redistrict away Michele Bachmann, but she’s fighting on.  And yes, despite everything, I support having her in Congress.  Her congressional campaign website is here. “we liked Matt Drudge...

It’s been a few days since I returned to Ithaca from my now-annual trip to CPAC with the Cornell College Republicans and, while I can’t help but think I wasn’t at the same conference as Erick Erickson, it was a great opportunity to meet other...

I don’t necessarily agree with everything Pat Buchanan says or writes, but his purge from MSNBC is a sign of the times, and his characterization is correct: The modus operandi of these thought police at Color of Change and ADL is to brand as racists...

I previously posted about Rick Santorum’s endorsement in 2004 of Arlen Specter against a challenge from Pat Toomey, in what was a precursor to the Tea Party v. Establishment fights to come. One of the unintended consequences of Specter’s reelection was that in 2009 Specter switched...

The Obama administration has been tightening the grip around the collective necks of the fossil fuel industry. The goal is of course to kill it and nowhere is this more self evident than with oil exploration. The most recent example is the studying to death...

This could not wait for Saturday Night, because it is just way too bizarre an attempt to turn nothing into a charge of racism. Short background:  Pete Hoekstra, running for Senate from Michigan against Debbie Stabenow, ran a commercial in Michigan during the Super Bowl...

More to follow. The decision is embedded below. The Court essentially used a bootstrap argument — that since there was a prior right to samesex marriage (based on a California Supreme Court decision which gave rise to Prop. 8 ) — the taking away of...

I had the pleasure a couple of weeks ago of meeting with Anne Sorock and Yvonne Ralsky, co-founders of The Fontier Lab. The Frontier Lab, among other things, utilizes “deep values research” common in consumer products marketing analysis (Anne is a Cornell Business School graduate who concentrated...

The world will end tonight, but just before that, consider: Both Romney and Newt are getting trounced by Obama in the latest Rasmussen survey. Romney has an electability problem.  Why do you hate capitalism? You mean there’s actually good news for Newt even if he loses...

I have been trying, as best I can, to sound the alarm about the damage being done by the scorched earth tactics of the Romney campaign and its supporters in the Republican political and media establishments. The effort long ago left the political realm and has devolved into a...