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Mitt Romney appeared last night for an interview with Brett Baier (video below).  Too bad Brett didn’t ask Romney why Romney refused to appear before the full panel on Center Seat, like the other candidates have done. My biggest reaction is that it’s bizarre that Romney refuses to admit...

Via The Hill, and about a thousand other outlets: Herman Cain told members of his staff that he is “reassessing” his decision to remain in the race for the Republican presidential nomination following new allegations that he conducted a 13-year-long affair with an Atlanta businesswoman....

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: As you know, I support Newt Gingrich. But you also know that I have a policy of uniting behind any Republican candidate who comes under false attack from Democrats...

Every time one thinks it is impossible for Israel haters to come out with a more bizarre justification for hating Israel, someone comes up with an even more bizarre justification. Today’s exhibit is City University of New York Professor Sara Schulman, who is feverishly anti-Israeli...

The Penn State football scandal is the Kitty Genovese scandal of our time. Of all the unimaginable things, can you imagine a 28 year old walking in on a child rape in progress and doing nothing to stop it? I don’t mean to turn this into...

Yesterday I saw a lengthy thread at Memeorandum about a “HermanCainPAC” website which had a large cover story calling Karen Kraushaar an “ugly bitch.” Here’s the screenshot: The website looked real, with a donate page and so on. But I didn’t post about it because it...

The champagne corks must have been popping at Politico sometime just after 2 p.m. today, as Sharon Bialek presented her charges against Herman Cain. After a week of obsessive reporting (at least 91 stories about Cain’s alleged sexual harassment of employees at the National Restaurant...

I really don’t want this to turn into one of those foul-mouthed blogs, but this is pushing me to the limit: Asked if the country’s consistently high unemployment rate made him vulnerable in the upcoming 2012 election, Obama insisted “the least of my concerns at...

Barring something truly earthshaking warranting a separate post, I’ll be updating the Herman Cain story today in this post. The NY Times reports that one of Cain’s accusers received a year’s severance, $35,000, but that there were issues in addition to Cain that made her uncomfortable...

I’m finally back after a full day of travel, where I had to rely on CNN and MSNBC on the plane for coverage of the Politico story about Herman Cain. I can’t really sort through all the details yet, too much has happened in the...

but he totally wrecks Cornel West in this recent TV interview that I have deemed a must watch.  Once Cornel West makes a fortune off of reading the market, I’ll start listening to his explanations of crises. By the way, I’m fairly certain that everyone who pines for...

You know the trick, Obama’s an expert at it.  Create a straw man argument by presenting extreme choices, in order to make one of the choices seem like the only reasonable choice.  It’s also called being a “shorter,” in internet parlance. Nicholas Kristof of The...

As Kathleen posted earlier, Warren Buffett is backing away from the so-called Buffett Rule, which apparently is not so much a Rule as a stream of consciousness sprinkled with thoughts and afterthoughts. The best thing about the Buffett Rule Non-Rule What Are You Talking About,...

I have posted numerous times before about the case of Lawrence Connell, the Widener Law School Professor who was placed on one-year unpaid leave and forced to undergo a psychiatric examination as a condition of return. The sanctions imposed by Dean Linda Ammons were so controversial...

Via HotAir, Mitt Romney has scored two significant conservative endorsements recently, Jeff Flake and Darrel Issa.  While that may not constitute a coalescing around Romney, it does help insulate him from RINO charges.  Whatever he once was, is he now the conservative who can win? What’s...