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Operation Counterweight 2012 is over.  I reported the results in an earlier post, here is my assessment. The first thing you need to understand is that by definition we chose difficult races, not easy ones.  The goal was to try to flip Democratic seats or...

Events will move quickly tonight. On the presidential level, we will get a sense of where things are headed when the polls close in Virginia and Florida at 7 p.m. Eastern (8 in the Pandhandle), Ohio and North Carolina at 7:30, and Pennsylvania and Wisconsin at 8. ...

I am and always have been a liberal. I was raised to revere the Democratic party and feel contempt for the party of Richard Nixon (as well as the man himself). Democrats, everyone agreed, were freer spirits.  Uptight Republicans, everyone agreed, lighted cigars with hundred-dollar...

Nothing has changed, in my view. Mourdock’s comments are being portrayed as “pro-rape” by his political opponents, but that is a gross mischaracterization.  Some thoughtful writers have pointed this out even as they disagree with Mourdock on substance, including this post at WaPo by Melinda...

In the debate’s most (in)famous moment Tuesday night, Obama asserted that on September 12 he called the violence in Libya that occurred on September 11 an act of terror.  But his claim is belied by this report, published in the Washington Post September 13. At...

Obama was much more animated, and I’m sure liberals on Twitter and elsewhere were happy much as during the Biden-Ryan debate. But I don’t think it helped Obama much. I’ll be interested to see the focus groups and polling. Obama got in some one liners,...

Forbes contributor, Larry Bell, released an article late last night entitled, “Pants On Fire: Obama Administration Scrambles for Cover as Benghazi Lie Explodes.” The article, drawing on reports from CNN, reveals a picture the Obama administration is desperately trying to sweep under the rug. President...

Optimism is sweeping the country unexpectedly (via Drudge): U.S. consumer sentiment unexpectedly rose to its highest level in five years in October as consumers became more optimistic about the overall economy in a possible boost to President Obama’s reelection hopes next month…. The Thomson Reuters/University...

In yet another story that you won’t find in the New York Times, Charlie Spiering in the Washington Examiner reported that Hillary Clinton was scheduled to meet President Obama at the White House today “as more damaging details about the terrorist attack against a United...