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The “unilateral” “across-the-board” sequester cuts seemingly absolve government of any responsibility. Actually, the opposite is true.  While some decreases in the growth of government are mandated, and government has less flexibility than usual particularly as to the defense budget, government still controls the pain meter....

Thomas K. Brown, a banking industry analyst and investor, writing at, makes a point similar to what I made in my post, Elizabeth Warren’s heroic Senate demagoguery, that Warren’s Banking Committee YouTube performance was pure political grandstanding without substance or legitimate regulatory purpose. As with...

In her debut on the Senate Banking Committee, Elizabeth Warren once again became the hero of the left because she embarrassed Hapless Bank Regulators, as the Huffington Post put it: Bank regulators got a sense Thursday of how their lives will be slightly different now that...

Last night I attended another candidates forum for the race to replace Jesse Jackson Jr’s seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Having attended quite a few by this point, my main takeaway is that the people of the Second District have a sorry, sorry...

When Antonio Villaraigosa became mayor of Los Angeles in mid 2003, he promised to focus on quality-of-life issues the way Rudy Giuliani had so successfully in New York.  To Angelenos, the number one quality-of-life issue is transit.  Pretty much everything else pales in comparison (as...

Do not care what he has to say.  It’s the same old, same old straw men and class warfare. “Some say that government should do nothing while grandma dies and children starve as owners of corporate jets eat jumbo shrimp at 38,000 feet in the air, but I say we...

I consider BuzzFeed Politics to be one of the most influential websites at setting the narrative in the blogosphere, and to some extent the more mainstream media. That influence only is going to grow due to the well-funded Buzzfeed brand, which just raised $19 million...

David Gerstman a/k/a SoccerDad has a Mideast Media Sampler he circulates by email which is very informative and used by many bloggers. With his permission, I’m posting today’s sampler about the anti-Israel lawfare being conducted by the U.N. Human Rights Council cheered on by The New York Times and law professor George...

Thomas Jefferson thought that the best insurance against future tyrannies was an educated populace.  Historical ignorance is a petri dish that grows a lot of strange and destructive ideas. To wit: Silvio Berlusconi. Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi triggered outrage from Italy’s political left on...

Here we go. Saxby Chambliss will not be running for reelection in 2014: Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss said Friday he will not seek a third term next  year, expressing deep frustration with Washington gridlock that he doesn’t see  changing in a divided government. Chambliss, 69,...

It’s no secret that Obama doesn’t like Bibi Netanyahu, and the feeling seems to be mutual.  It’s been a virtual warfare of insults since Bibi took Obama to school on the 1967 borders: and then got a more rousing welcome in Congress than Obama ever...

The left-blogosphere is joyous because there were accidental shootings at gun shows and events for Gun Appreciation Day. Really, they’re putting the full snark on, because nothing says “suspend the 2nd Amendment” like accidental shootings:   There’s something much more dangerous. Rock concerts, which have a...