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I was just on Nightside with Dan Rea on WBZ 1030 in Boston, a Super Station which covers all of Massachusetts and then some, talking about my latest research on Elizabeth Warren (check back in the morning for more on that). I was pleased to announce the...

I previously posted about the pro-Republican  television ad being run by Thomas Peterffy with his own money.  I also posted about the Mini-PAC running ads on cable television in black areas of Ohio. I’ve noticed a number of people taking direct action, putting their own...

You remember Aunt Bea.  The Aunt on Elizabeth Warren’s mother’s side who supposedly a thousand times told Warren that Warren’s maternal ancestors had “high cheekbones like all the Indian’s do.” Those ancestors, of course, were not Cherokee or Native American, and even Warren identified Aunt Bea as...

No one expresses feigned outrage quite as well as Elizabeth Warren. Warren, who assumed a false Native American identity for employment purposes while climbing the law professor ladder and explained it away by playing on ethnic stereotypes of Indians having high cheekbones, is upset. Scott Brown...

Elizabeth Warren raised $12.1 million in the third quarter, compared to $7.45 million for Scott Brown.  It is not yet known how much cash on hand Warren has, but Brown has $10.2 million. There is a problem, though.  Warren uses credit card portals which do...

I had the pleasue of spending a full hour on the radio with Dan Rea at WBZ 1030 (CBS Boston), a true superstation that covers all of New England and into New York. Dan made a point during the hour that character matters, and that Elizabeth Warren’s...

The Massachusetts Republican State Committee has sent out a mailer, forwarded to me be a reader, which hits Elizabeth Warren very hard on her false claim to be Cherokee. The mailer is very well done because it presents a lot of facts, including a timeline of Warren’s changing self-identifications...

I previously wrote about how Elizabeth Warren elopement story falls apart.  That “story” is Warren’s claim that she always believed she was Native American because her parents said they had to elope because her father’s white family would not accept her mother because her mother was part Cherokee and...

Elizabeth Warren still is not Cherokee.  She never was. Her family lore is grossly exaggerated, in all likelihood by Warren herself not her parents.  Yet whenever anyone questions this family lore, Warren acts like it is an attack on her family, thereby shutting down challenges...

Elizabeth Warren is running hard left in her rhetoric, but the reality is she served big companies in her extensive private legal practice and got paid big, big dollars for it. At the first debate, Brown scored big points on Warren’s representation of Travelers, for...

Quick takes on the debate which just ended. End Result — As with most of these things, people will see what they want. I’d say while Brown won hands down the first debate, this one was more even.  Brown won big on Warren’s personal problems,...