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I thought she would consider it. I hoped she would run. We needed it as a country, though not for the reasons her supporters think. Via Boston Herald: U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren pledged today she will not run for president in 2016 and will finish...

Time Magazine recently ran a cover with a silhouette of Chris Christie with the headline, The Elephant in the Room. It was, of course, a play on Christie’s weight without coming right out and saying it. There’s also an elephant in Elizabeth Warren’s room, but you...

I have been telling you for at least a year that Elizabeth Warren will be a serious challenger to Hillary, if she wants it. You have to realize that Democrats in general, and particularly the liberal base, don’t give a hoot about Warren’s rip-off of...

Greg Pollowitz at National Review asked, Which Is Worse: ‘High Cheekbones’ or ‘Redskins’? A few things are bothering me about Bob Costas calling the term “Redskins” a slur on Sunday night. One, Democrats had absolutely no issue when then senate candidate Elizabeth Warren justified her...

You better at least get ready. There’s a buzz being fed. Warren gave a speech to the AFL-CIO today, and the “draft Warren” talk is starting. Elizabeth Warren is totally wowing @AFLCIO convention, Wonder if she'll enter the race if Hillary, for some reason, doesn't...

Can I call ’em or what? Don’t say I didn’t warn you. As noted at the Wiki, the progressive movement has had a twinkle in its eye for an Elizabeth Warren presidential campaign since before she was elected to the Senate, Elizabeth Warren for President...

There is plenty to criticize about Elizabeth Warren’s made-for-YouTube theatrics in the Senate Banking Committee. Warren has some good goals shared on both sides of the aisle, such as addressing “too big to fail” and “too big to prosecute,” but unfortunately she goes about it the wrong...

It’s not like you didn’t see this coming.  Those inane and made-for-YouTube moments, lacking in substance and confusing the gullible media, are the pre-publicity. Anyone familiar with Elizabeth Warren’s history knows that she knows how to turn the “rigged” schtick into a buck. (Off topic, there’s...

Team Breitbart: We’re going to smack Politico across the face and expose Buzzfeed: Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro took a more bellicose tone, declaring that Breitbart News writers would challenge not only the existing mainstream media for their biased coverage, but also the newer online outlets. “You’ll...

You don’t get more “progressive” than the Political Animal column at Washington Monthly, which has seen such luminaries as Steve Benen (now Rachel Maddow’s blogger) grace its pages. In a column yesterday, Samuel Knight took Elizabeth Warren to task for voting in favor of corporate...

It’s hard to believe it’s only been about three weeks since we launched The goal was, and remains, to bring together in one place the wealth of research conducted during the Senate campaign by numerous blogs and newspapers on Elizabeth Warren’s background, and then to update and...