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It probably will not stop those who want to portray the case as racial from continuing to make claims of racial motivation in the shooting of Trayvon Martin, but the FBI has confirmed that there is no substantial evidence that George Zimmerman was racist. Via...

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh released his report on sexual abuse at Penn State, and it was scathing.  Via State College: Louis Freeh, the former FBI director, left nothing to the imagination in his much-anticipated presentment Thursday morning. There was an effort made by the...

GreenFestival, a project of Green America and Global Exchange, purports to be an experience for young and old alike to celebrate “in sustainable style” the food and philosophy of the green movement. The festivals are taking place across the country; this past April in New...

Now the Obama marketing team is enticing donors with the opportunity to name put your name on a stock car: Congressman G.K. Butterfield of North Carolina writes: Regardless of whether you have had an opportunity to see a race on TV or experience the roar of...

Last night, Ron Paul delivered a speech to over 4,000 people at Cornell’s Lynah Rink. Naturally, I was part of the audience – it’s not every day that a presidential candidate comes to Cornell and it’s even rarer that I don’t have any homework in...

My wife and I were talking about him not long ago.  For each of us, his disappearance left an indelible mark.  Whenever there was a report of a missing child, we inevitably said, I wonder what happened to Etan Patz. video platform video management video solutions...

Via Columbus (OH) Dispatch: Three bank robberies are the crime of the week in the Crime Stoppers program. In all three cases, the robber wore a baseball cap and a hoodie and gave the teller a note demanding money. He was described as white, in...

This has been a really bad day for eliminationist narratives of a rising right-wing terror. First, it turns out that George Zimmerman, rather than being a product of Republican / Tea Party / right-wing talk radio, was a registered Democrat. Now, a federal judge has...

Via The Crawdad Hole, a very interesting chart of FBI crime statistics for 2009. What it shows is that whites kill whites, and blacks kill blacks.  And interestingly, “other” kills “other.” It’s not the narrative heard much in the media, because it does not play...

How disgusting and politically corrupt is the Washington Post?  This disgusting and politically corrupt (h/t Ed Morrissey). WaPo runs this headline, FBI considered a sting aimed at Newt Gingrich in 1997, accompanied by an ominous super-close up of Gingrich: Sounds pretty bad.  Even if not charged,...

Eric Cantor has been a focus of verbal attacks from Democrats and the Obama administration, and has been singled out to be demonized as part of 2012 campaign strategy: NY Times: Eric Cantor Is the Democrats’ New Bogeyman Democratic Daily: Eric Cantor Becomes New Target For...

Mr. Vice President. Biden has been playing the rape card, arguing that if the federal government does not subsidize police union contracts which states and local governments cannot afford, more women will get raped. This is part of a theme, with Biden earlier this month...

We’ve seen him in the situation room when he got bin Laden.  And interrupting his golf game to deal with the D.C. earthquake.  And taking charge of the hurricane control center. But there is one photo which is missing, as noted by commenter Jonathan at Legal Insurrection’s...

As mentioned yesterday, Obama not only is running a cheesy $5 raffle fundraising stunt, he also is pushing donors hard to contribute something, even if it’s only $5, before the June 30 fundraising period closes.  Whether to pad the dollar amounts or the numbers of donors,...