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Because of the election, the trial of George Zimmerman for the killing of Trayvon Martin, has been out of our focus.  But not for long, as the trial is scheduled for June 10, and there will be pre-trial evidentiary hearings in April. Here are some recent...

Israel reportedly has been under cyber attack by Anonymous, although the lethality of the attacks is questioned: Anonymous, the loose coalition of hackers waging war on Israeli Web sites, is the least of Israel’s cyber problems. Its campaign against Israel is a minor annoyance compared...

In 1961, British secretary of war John Profumo had a brief affair with a call girl named Christine Keeler, who, as it happened, was also sleeping with a senior naval attaché posted to the Soviet Union’s embassy in London. The affair would never have come...

First came the ignominious downfall of General David Petraeus.  Now come the revelations that our top commander in Afghanistan, General John Allen, got in on the action too, and that the FBI agent who chose to investigate the otherwise innocuous emails that kick started this...

It’s easy to get caught up in the Cat Fight! aspect of L’Affaire Petraeus. The emails that Jill Kelley showed an FBI friend near the start of last summer were not jealous lover warnings like “stay away from my man,” a knowledgeable source tells The...

Last night, a series of e-mails from the night of the 9/11 Benghazi attacks were released. The e-mails were from the State Department to various high level groups and intelligence agencies within the government. Among them were the White House Situation Room, the office of the...

Via Twitter follower Michael Welsh comes this video of his son helping out at Lee Anderson’s headquarters.  Anderson is on the Operation Counterweight Final List.  (You can contribute here.) Considering how much time I spend having to cover fakers like Elizabeth Warren and psychos like...

Anne has been following the bizarre Jesse Jackson, Jr. saga for months, and has noted that the medical excuses and disappearing act likely was hiding some other problem Why is Cong. Jesse Jackson, Jr. still MIA? Jesse Jackson, Jr., on medical leave for exhaustion as...

Elizabeth Warren still is not Cherokee.  She never was. Her family lore is grossly exaggerated, in all likelihood by Warren herself not her parents.  Yet whenever anyone questions this family lore, Warren acts like it is an attack on her family, thereby shutting down challenges...

Just after the Benghazi attack on our consulate and the murder of four Americans, including our ambassador to Libya, I explained in a post titled Lack of Intelligence Community why I blamed our nation’s intelligence apparatus and not the White House for this colossal failure....

The Chinese (allegedly) have a curse: May you live in interesting times. These are interesting times. It is hard to overstate the significance of what it means when the free exercise of our First Amendment rights while not breaking any laws leads to this: A...

There has been a complete lack of reality this week in our government and media. Words are not deeds.  This is especially important to remember if you’re the President of the United States who has essentially talked himself into office. Behold a paragraph from President...

I’ve been documenting the presence of the Chicago Teachers Union at non-education-related, radical protests over the past year. From Occupy to Anarchist, gay pride, and anti-NATO protests, the union deploys its members not on the basis of “for the children” but rather for political solidarity....