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Fact-checker Glenn Kessler at the WaPo says that Obama’s gone and lied again: In addressing a dinner of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in Los Angeles, President Obama made a rather striking claim — that Senate Republicans have filibustered “500 pieces of legislation that would...

Sometimes learning new things is uncomfortable. Jonah Goldberg Discovers a Clever Student Group at Williams College Sometimes certain words make people uncomfortable. Student Groups at Duke Appoint Themselves Word Police College ‘Trigger Warnings’ Get Noticed by the MSM Some people are made uncomfortable by religion....

Yep, he did it again. After House speaker John Boehner announced plans Friday to establish a select committee on Benghazi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid responded with the following statement: “Republicans are showing yet again that they have nothing to offer the middle class. Republicans...

Citing Obamacare and an increase in the state’s minimum wage, the owner of Waterford-based Yankee One Dollar is closing down shop on all 23 remaining locations. Via the Times Union: Waterford-based Yankee One Dollar stores will be gone within the next five months, its owner...

Fast food workers in dozens of cities will strike today in support of higher wages.  The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) has been providing financial support and training to those organizing the activities. One of those target cities is here in San Diego. From UT...

Yesterday, McClatchy reported on Pelosi’s newest divisive endeavor: an economic agenda for women.  After all, we all know that women are not part of the economic fabric of this nation, that we all secretly aspire to be government-dependent Julias whose “health care” needs are those...

There is plenty to criticize about Elizabeth Warren’s made-for-YouTube theatrics in the Senate Banking Committee. Warren has some good goals shared on both sides of the aisle, such as addressing “too big to fail” and “too big to prosecute,” but unfortunately she goes about it the wrong...

President Obama spoke to students at Hyde Park Academy in Chicago this afternoon, using the occasion to address a basket of issues, including gun control, raising the minimum wage, education spending, and the overall state of our communities. During the 26-minute speech, Obama said that...

It’s the end of College Insurrection’s first year.  Not literally a full year, as we turned on the lights on August 22, 2012. This last week of the first year had much of interest, The usual malarkey: Finally, a college major for which 99.99% of...

In Slate, the usually foolish Matt Yglesias holds true to form by demonstrating why we shouldn’t allow liberals to make public policy based on what they consider fairness.  He points to the “mega-yacht” that Steve Jobs commissioned long before his death as “a valuable reminder...

Getting rid of the penny is like converting to the metric system: people argue for years that it is inevitable, but it never really comes to fruition. Instead it remains a staple of elementary civics discussions I always wondered who would really lobby for the penny as...

It’s been a few days since I returned to Ithaca from my now-annual trip to CPAC with the Cornell College Republicans and, while I can’t help but think I wasn’t at the same conference as Erick Erickson, it was a great opportunity to meet other...