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In many ways, it’s worse than I originally thought, now that the names officially have been released. In addition to the planners of the Sbarro Pizza bombing, about which I blogged earlier, the releasees include the planners of many other high profile bombings, terrorist attacks...

An Israeli soldier who has been in prison in Gaza for 5 years without so much as a visit by the Red Cross. Apparently a deal has been reached for his release. The terms are not yet known, but the Israeli cabinet is voting on it...

There is one worthwhile clause in an otherwise worthless article at The Atlantic by Steve Clemons, Obama Tells Palestinians to Stay in the Back of the Bus. Clemons lays out the fiction that the Palestinian strategic move to take land without peace is something Gandhi-like: Obama’s position on this is...

Carl at Israel Matzav has given Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, the nickame “Abu Bluff.” The trip by Abbas to the U.N. this week ostensibly to obtain recognition of a Palestinian state is another bluff.  Abbas doesn’t even have the support of his own people, as Hamas which...

Turkish Prime Minsister Erdogan’s agitation show no signs of letting up. He’s back to threats of military confrontation with Israel: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday Israel could not do whatever it wanted in the eastern Mediterranean and that Turkish warships could be...

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, having threated to have warships escort ships seeking to break the Gaza blockade, has walked back those comments, claiming he was taken out of context. But other Turks apparently are getting ready for another type of war with Israel:...

What is going on in Egypt was all foreseeable to those of us who did not harbor the romantic view of the Arab Spring, which in many places was just a venting of anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel which had been suppressed by dictatorial rulers.  Just ask Lara...

Such as a “no fly zone” over all of northern Africa, spreading across the globe, because while we broke Muammar Gaddafi’s army, we didn’t fix the problem of tens of thousands of mobile surface-to-air missiles. As reported by the Christian Science Monitor: At newly discovered...

I posted yesterday about a U.N. report finding that Israel’s sea blockade of Gaza is legal under international law, that Israel had a right to board and search the vessels in the May 2010 Gaza flottila (organized by a Turkish Islamist group), and that the Israelis...

Lots doing in the world. The end is near for Qaddafi, or not, who knows:  “Libyan rebels said they were less than 20 miles from  Muammar al-Qaddafi’s main stronghold of Tripoli on Sunday, a day after  opposition fighters launched their first attack on the city. ...

There were a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Israel overnight (our time, noon Israeli time).  At least six people were killed, and the attacks apparently emanated, at least in part, from Egyptian territory. Israel Matzav is gathering the latest information. Updates: The Israel Defense...

This photo of an Israeli soldier standing on a young Palestinian girl is making the rounds on the internet and evoking enormous anti-Israel vitriol: As Israel Matzav points out, however, the photo is not what it seems: There’s one small problem – the photo is...

(by Matthew Knee) Yale recently announced the closing of the The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), America’s first academic institute to study anti-Semitism, citing a lack of scholarly output and student interest. The overall Jewish community, and some newspaper columnists, are...

Although the precise date is not clear, calls have gone out for anti-Israel activists to converge on Israel on or about June 8, in anticipation of a large flotilla of ships trying to break the military sea blockade of Gaza later in June, and additional attempts to crash...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at AIPAC last night. It takes a few minutes for him to get into a groove, but it’s worth the watch. The speech was interrupted several times by hecklers who were escorted out. The money line comes at the...