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Author: Mary Chastain

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Mary Chastain

Mary is the resident libertarian. She covers stories in every vertical, but her favorite thing to do is take on the media. She saw its bias against the right when she was a socialist.

Mary loves the Chicago Cubs, Chicago Blackhawks, tennis, cats, Oxford comma, Diet Coke, and needlework.

I'm Libertarian. I voted for Gary Johnson. But I live in Oklahoma, which is as conservative as you can get and the GOP candidate will always win no matter how I vote. That does not stop people from accusing others like me for ruining the election for their candidate. Of course people accuse Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein of costing Hillary Clinton the election against Donald Trump. The Wall Street Journal looked through the evidence and found that neither one hurt Hillary.

Wanda Sykes performed at 22nd annual Comics Come Home fundraiser in Boston, MA, when she decided to go off on President-elect Donald Trump:
“I am certain this is not the first time we’ve elected a racist, sexist, homophobic president,” said Sykes during her set, a video of which is below. “He ain’t the first one. He’s just the first confirmed one.” Within a matter of seconds, the crowd and Sykes turned on each other. “F— you, motherf—ers,” Sykes said as the crowd’s boos intensified. “F— all y’all. F— all y’all.”
The audience responded with jeers and boos, which led Sykes to flip them off.

No, they're not sex traitors. Yet, I cannot get over why people are so shocked that Hillary couldn't bring in the female votes. Like, holy cow, you mean that the sex of a candidate is NOT the most important factor?! Yup:
What mattered most to voters, exit surveys indicated, was the economy, and, to borrow Trump’s words, "draining the swamp" in Washington. Four in 10 voters attested that they were in search of change, and three in five said the country was seriously on the wrong track. About the same proportion of people felt the economy wasn’t working for them, and two-thirds indicated that their financial situation was either the same or worse than it was when President Obama started his second term four years go.

A Taliban suicide bomber managed to find his way into a U.S. military base in Kabul, Afghanistan, where he detonated a bomb and killed four Americans. The blast left 16 wounded:
The suicide bomber at Bagram Air Field had been dressed as a day laborer and detonated the explosives in the vicinity of a dining facility around 5:30 a.m., according to a foreign security source. The sprawling base, which contains tens of thousands of contractors, is often targeted by Taliban rockets and attacks on patrols near the base, but suicide bombers hadn’t previously succeeded in breaching the outer layers of security.

A student at Bret Harte Preparatory Middle School in Los Angeles, CA, caught a substitute teacher telling Latino students their parents will be deported after Donald Trump won the election:
“If you were born here, then your parents gotta go and they gonna leave you behind. You’ll be in foster care,” according to the recording made by one of the 6th-grade students.

After his meeting with President Barack Obama, President-elect Donald Trump drove down to Capitol Hill to meet with Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell:
"I think we’re going to do some absolutely spectacular things for the American people," Trump said, sitting next to Ryan at a conference table in the Capitol. "We can’t get started fast enough." After meeting with McConnell, Trump said his top priorities were immigration and border security, addressing health care and "big-league jobs."

Donald Trump's win for the presidency has caused more than 100,000 people to sign up for Obamacare. Republicans have stated they want to appeal the law if they win the White House. It is the largest number of enrollees since the open enrollment started on November 1:
The new enrollment figure, released by HHS this afternoon, represents the number of people who submitted an application and chose a health insurance plan on the exchanges.

President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama met at the White House for around 90 minutes to discuss transition of power. Trump called Obama a very good man and hopes to work with him in the future, while Obama called the meeting excellent:
Obama said the two men talked about foreign policy and domestic policy and said he was encouraged by Trump's interest in working together during the transition. "As I said last night, my No. 1 priority in the next two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our President-elect is successful," Obama said.

BuzzFeed has obtained a list of potential cabinet picks for President-elect Donald Trump's administration. Sources told the publication no one has finalized the list and it may change. But the list contains names of people who became loud vocal supporters of Trump, including Mayor Rudy Guiliani and former Speaker Newt Gingrich.

The 2016 elections season has finally ended, which means speeches galore today. I planned on making them Quick Takes, but the ones from Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, Hillary Clinton, and President Barack Obama surprised me with their class and humanity I feel they deserve more attention. Hillary showed a human side that didn't make much of an appearance on the trail. She congratulated Trump, told her supporters that they "owe him an open mind and a chance to lead."

Welcome to Legal Insurrection's live election coverage. This post covers Congressional race (House and Senate). For presidential updates, check our other live post. We'll be updating as information becomes available, so refresh frequently! *BREAKING* 8:38PM: It looks like the GOP will maintain control of the House.

Another Wikileaks dump, another email with links between CNN and Hillary Clinton's campaign. This time, Tom Nides, a Morgan Stanley executive and former deputy secretary of state, told Hillary campaign chair John Podesta of a new CNN poll. How did he know? He's married to CNN Vice President Virginia Moseley. Wikileaks CNN Poll

You think Americans have suffered in 2016, what about Samsung? Two exploding phones, exploding washing machines, and now prosecutors raided its headquarters due to allegations that the company gave money to the daughter of President Park Geun-hye's confidante Choi Soon-sil. Authorities believe Choi "exerted influence over public affairs, despite having no official role in government, and that she used her political and business ties to benefit her daughter, an equestrian athlete." This has led to a downfall in Park's approval ratings and resignations in her administration.