“Cuddle Services” For Lefties Spike Under Trump Presidency
“Something that aids in relieving the fear and discomfort that has come with Trump’s presidency”

Apparently, privileged lefties are so shaken by the election of President Trump that they are seeking out professional “cuddling services.” For $80/hour they sit in their jammies and “safely” touch and cuddle like-minded strangers.
On a Saturday night in Venice, California, light spills from an open door on an otherwise dark street. The space appears to be an art gallery or studio: blank walls, cubbies for shoes and personal items and cushioned mats and pillows lining half of the room’s hardwood floor.
Twelve individuals filter into the room – dressed in pajamas, yoga attire, sweatpants – some more confidently than others. There are a handful who remove their shoes immediately and find a place on the floor, blanket in tow, presumably preparing for some grand slumber party or group nap. Each visitor is greeted by a woman wielding an iPad. “Would you like a hug?” she asks.
. . . . This room is called The Love Dome and hosts events including yoga, dance and private parties. Every Wednesday and Saturday night, The Love Dome is host to Cuddle Sanctuary, an organization that leads group cuddle events, professional cuddling and training for professionals. This is one of their group cuddle sanctuaries.
Apparently these “cuddle groups” have been taking place for years, but they’ve seen a spike since President Trump’s election.
Rolling Stone continues:
But what makes the organized effort of being held, a service that comes with a cost (Cuddlist sessions go for $80 an hour), something that aids in relieving the fear and discomfort that has come with Trump’s presidency?
Professional cuddling is one of the latest iterations of self-care and wellness, focusing on touch therapy. Since the early 2000s, the field of professional cuddling as a therapeutic tool has transitioned from stigmatized field with pay-for-sex undertones to a legitimate service for healing with proven health benefits.
. . . . Marcia Baczynski, co-founder of Cuddle Party, has seen her already established clientele base reacting to the election. Many of them, she says, feel triggered by Trump’s actions, history of sexual abuse allegations and manipulative behaviors.
“The work is actually political now,” Baczynski says. “It used to be the case that you talked about cuddle parties because these are important skills for life – everyone’s navigating boundaries. And now we need to have boundaries with our government. How the fuck do you do that? How do you conceptualize having a leader who is essentially an abusive asshole?”
Not up for cuddling? No worries, you can also spend your time in the “cuddle sanctuary” coloring in coloring books. There was no mention of Play-doh in the article, but if you ask nicely, I’m sure you can bring your own.
Watch a 2014 (i.e. pre-Trump) report on “cuddle parties”:

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to the full extent allowed by law.
We’re doomed as a viable species….
I’m pretty sure that bald-guy and frizzy-hair-chick left together and made a respectable attempt to keep the species viable.
And the people running it are doing an admirable job of finding a need and finding a way to profit from it. Bravo.
You’re both right. It’s the likes of those two procreating that is dooming our species.
Hey, wait! I think three of those guys are Catholic priests!
“The work is actually political now,” Baczynski says.
As Rush often says- the left politicizes everything.
How do you conceptualize having a leader who is essentially an abusive asshole?”
I’d guess the same way I had to conceptualize for 8 years, having a leader who is essentially an arrogant asshole.
you forgot incompetent and treasonous
Then we are agreed. Trump is “an abusive asshole?” But he is the trifecta – arrogant, too.
What about narcissistic? That speech to the Boy Scouts was something else and then he hears phone calls that he didn’t get!
At least is competent, and he is a patriot.
More than we can say for you and your ilk.
Look FauxReport, I am fine with you changing the screen name to ‘Yellow tail’. See the name refers to Trump and he is a yellow tail & a bully. He is such a patriot that:
He dodged the draft. Didn’t go out of his way to help or provide jobs for veterans.
He probably didn’t pay any taxes or he is hiding something else in his tax return and he has changed the reasons why he won’t.
He was playing footsie with the Russians long before the election and he has lied about it.
What exactly makes him a patriot? The flag pin in his lapel. Trump doesn’t love anything but himself.
He dodged the draft. WHO? BILL CLINTON?
He probably didn’t pay any taxes. “PROBABLY?”
He was playing footsie with the Russians long before the election and he has lied about it. DIDN’T HILLARY CLINTON PLAY FOOTSIE’S WITH THE RUSSIANS?
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal:
What exactly makes him a patriot? HIS ACTS.
The flag pin in his lapel. Trump doesn’t love anything but himself. NO, THAT’S THE SHAM OF OBAMA – AND CLINTON.
Hey, FauxReport, here is another false report for your dossier on Trump’s great patriotism.
1 other thing that demonstrates Trump’s patriotism. He has provided absolutely no evidence that he every contributed any money or any in kine donation to the 9/11 Memorial.
But he took a 150K grant for his build at 40 Wall St that was supposed to be for small businesses that suffered as a result of the attack. He later claimed that he ‘probably’ put up workers cleaning up the site. But he has provided no evidence and no such workers have come forward. He did make a donation from his foundation (funded with other people’s money) right before he ran for President.
If trash like this is what the Left devolves into…why can’t the Republican party grow a pair and defeat these lefties for the next 50 years? Yeah, I know.
Paying a “hugger or huggee” much more than minimum wage borders on business malpractice. I want to be the “employer” who gets the $65/hr (per hugger/huggee) as my cut.
What’s stopping you?
Does it include a happy finish?
Imagine if michelle obama jumped in there? These people would be crushed to death.
We were told in the age of Obama that when the right feels threatened, they cling to ‘guns and religion’, while here we see again that in such cases the left cling to each other, laying down.
Call me crazy, but only one of these sorts of clings are likely to motivate for peaceful action and change.
Two words: Oh good grief.
There’s a somewhat well-known obscure “cuddle club” in San Francisco called the Power Xchange. It’s been around for years. I believe it is located in a not so desirable section of the city where homeless camps abound under the freeway and meth and heroin addicts sprawl across the sidewalks.
For the price of admission one can cuddle (clothing optional) with one or multiple partners of any specific or indeterminate sex or gender. But wait, there’s more! If you go within the next five minutes, you can take home your choice of STD absolutely free!
Darwinism at work.
China, russia, isis, north korea and iran muust be on a conference call laughing their asses off.
The left has to keep its base weak, ignorant and this dependent. (This kind of infantilism of middle age adults is an extention of what they’ve done with college kids.)
In doing so, they are destroying our war fighting power without firing a shot.
Follow the money to the leaders of this.latest scam (at harvard) and you’ll find a hotbed of sedition.
More top flight rock and roll journalism from Rolling Stone!
And they continue to deny their insane
They’re not insane. They are middle aged adults whose emotional maturity never developed psst that of a preschooler who goes off to snivel and pout in a corner when it doesn’t get its way A spanking might work for the preschooler but these people might enjoy that way too much.
Why did you change the subject to the Trump Crime Family?
YellowTail, you are projecting your Clinton Crime Family.
What a transparent putz.
Hey, FauxReport do you have anything besides name calling?
Well, if you a conservative you just buy more guns. All those guns you bought because Obama was going to take them away are obsolete. So now you need to buy some to protect the Trump Presidency.
Go buy some guns. That will make you feel better.
I won a rifle. It’s a pretty rifle, the girls all like it. The girly boys think it’s icky. They spot when I bring it out.
Didn’t say whether I liked them or not. Didn’t say whether I owned any. Just noting the lines that formed when Obama won the Presidency. It seems that some small set of people get to feel good by going to cuddling parties. Others have got to have more and more guns and they have to shoot them obsessively.
Both seem to be compensating for something.
As for the girly boy thing – stick it. That is so passe that if I was effeminate, I would celebrate it. Haven’t you noticed? Maybe you secretly want to try it. It’s OK.
“Didn’t say whether I liked them or not. Didn’t say whether I owned any.”
You don’t, and you don’t.
Why don’t you change your name to ‘Obtuse Otto’? You have no facts but you reach conclusions, anyway.
As for the girly boy thing – stick it. That is so passe that if I was effeminate, I would celebrate it. Haven’t you noticed? Maybe you secretly want to try it. It’s OK.
Hit a way too close to close to home I see. Must have been the spotting.
BTW, I know for certain that all girls don’t like the same things. So maybe it is just in your fantasies.
YellowTail, seriously: are you writing from a prison somewhere?
FauxReport, you botched your whole education. Get your money back from Trump University (sic)
Poor little thing. Need a cuddle? That’ll be $80.
I don’t think you could get it if you paid.
Explain to me how those guns are obsolete? Really want to understand your reasoning behind that comment.
Watch a 2014 (i.e. pre-Trump) report on “cuddle parties”:
Just no Fuzzy, just no.
Hee! I don’t blame you, 4fun; it was painful to watch.
(Thanks for the giggles.)
You’re welcome Fuzzy, I enjoy your writing.
Laugh all you want, but if we lose the Republic to these pansies, we don’t deserve to be free.
The more I read stuff like this, the more I’m convinced liberalism is a mental disorder. Of all my friends who I know are in therapy, 100% of them are liberal democrats.
Sadly, it seems more and more inmates are running the asylum.