Anne Segal | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 4
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Author: Anne Segal

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Anne Segal

Anne Sorock Segal is a market researcher and president of The Frontier Lab, a nonprofit organization that seeks to increase demand for freedom and revive a unifying American character using cutting-edge behavioral science methodologies.

Amid the tales of sequestration travails, observing the response by Yellowstone National Park to a 5% cut in the National Park Service's budget reveals just what priorities are being applied by administrators. Yellowstone Superintendent Dan Wenk's handling of the situation: freeze permanent hires, hire fewer seasonal...

Republican Paul McKinley, candidate to replace Jesse Jackson, Jr., for Congress in the upcoming April 9 special election (IL-02), has just released a new ad that illustrates in sobering detail the destruction wrought by the Chicago Democratic Machine. The video lays bare what the people face...

Bowdoin Professor Sarah Conly's "Three Cheers for the Nanny State," published in the Sunday New York Times, has done a great service to those of us who think Mayor Bloomberg is alone in his attempts to gloss over limited powers and the role of government,...

A planned AFL-CIO rally for today to defend Saturday mail delivery may have been a bit premature after the  Government Accountability Office is claiming that the USPS cannot, by law, cut mail delivery to fewer than 6 days. Bloomberg News reports: The service is bound by law...

A $5 million, 400-foot pedestrian bridge recently unveiled in Brooklyn, NY, is turning into a blue vs. blue sparring match. Liberal site Gothamist's negative review of the "bouncy zig-zag structure" is at odds with the positive reviews from the New York Times, which reported that it...

We have reported  in the past on the U.S. State Department's willful silence about imprisoned American pastor Saeed Abedini, who has been held in Iran since last September for "evangelizing" and therefore "threatening national security." The American Center for Law and Justice's Jay Sekulow has...

Yesterday the Chicago Public Schools announced 61 school building closures, including 52 elementary schools, due to a $1 billion budget deficit. This is the largest closing in the district's history, and the reaction from the teachers union has been swift. A few weeks ago, noted radical organizer...

Remember when this exchange was overheard by journalists about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? Sarkozy: "I can't stand him. He's a liar." Obama: "You're tired of him -- what about me? I have to deal with him every day." After four years of snubbing Israel's Prime Minister, including grabbing dinner...

San Francisco city supervisor David Campos is making good on his campaign promise to go after "right-wing extremists," reportedly proposing legislation Tuesday to increase the anti-free speech "bubble zone" around Planned Parenthood to 25 feet. Campos's website describes exactly who he is trying to attack: "right-wing extremists": David...

By a vote of 36 against, 0 in favor, with 19 abstentions, Cyprus lawmakers today rejected a provision that would have made a proposed $8.7 billion bailout contingent upon taking 6.75 percent of the value of all bank deposits. European Member of Parliament Daniel Hannan gave his...

Dana Loesch, conservative star on the rise and host of The Dana Show, interviewed Republican Paul McKinley (IL-02) at CPAC, concluding at the end of the powerful interview, "go and support this man, he just took us to church." Loesch and McKinley spoke about the need...

The RNC has announced plans to focus on digital strategy and hire a chief technology officer by May 1, preferably one that "is maybe able to come in and change the way that we think," according to RNC spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski. If Kukowski hadn't added that...