‘Jews Against Soros’ Launches

George Soros is a Bad Hombre. He is an evil genius who made a fortune breaking the Bank of England in the 1990s and has since used his investing success to endow a self-sustaining anti-Western, anti-Israel, anti-American activist ecosystem with tens of billions of dollars to carry on their effort to open borders and destroy nation states for generations after Soros is gone.

Anti-Israel ‘non-governmental organizations’ (NGOs) are a particular Soros favorite, as is electing soft-on-crime district attorneys in the U.S. Soros was the secret funder of the anti-Israel “J Street” group (which pretends to be pro-Israel but seeks to undermine U.S. support for Israel) and the not so secret funder of the toxic Media Matters.

Here is a sampling of our prior coverage of Soros spanning almost 100 posts since the earliest days of Legal Insurrection:

Yet because of Soros’ influence in the leftist movement, groups like ADL have claimed that criticism of Soros is antisemitic as a way of shutting down criticism of Soros’ actions. Which is offensive since he is responsible through his philanthropy for the wide spread of antisemitism in leftist movements.

Because we have so deeply tracked Soros’ efforts for over a decade, I have had no hesitation in speaking against these attempts to stifle accurate discussion of Soros’ malign activities, Yes, It’s Okay To Point Out That Alvin Bragg Was “Soros-Backed”

WAJ (04:36): … I’m going to take you off track for a second and deal with the “Soros-backed” prosecutor issue.I find it completely disgusting when people abuse the accusation of anti-Semitism, which is a very serious accusation, simply because people are stating a fact. George Soros backed a number of Democrat prosecutorial candidates. It was reported widely. He has bragged about it.George Soros found a weakness in our system, and that weakness in our system is that the vast power that prosecutors have has now been mobilized for political purposes. And that was his intention in funding all these prosecutors. Our system relies on the good faith of prosecutors because they have so much power, including the power to bring matters to a grand jury, where the defendant doesn’t get to present countervailing evidence, doesn’t get to present opposing viewpoints.George Soros backed prosecutors have created enormous destruction in this country through non-prosecution of crimes. Alvin Bragg being number one, on day one he announced he would not prosecute a lot of crimes, including some violent crimes.So there is nothing wrong with saying “Soros-backed prosecutor.” I use it. In 2019, I was selected by Algemeiner Magazine as one of the top 100 people in the world positively influencing Jewish life. And I have no hesitation in saying that what George Soros has done is destructive. Do not try to shut us up by making the false accusation of anti-Semitism.

A new group has formed, “Jews Against Soros,” to push back against the false claims that criticism of Soros’ actions is antisemitic.

JNS reports:

Newsweek senior editor-at-large Josh Hammer and Missouri Attorney General candidate Will Scharf have launched “Jews Against Soros.”

Their new website says: “There is nothing antisemitic about identifying the many ways that George Soros and his network of organizations fund the radical left. Leftism isn’t Judaism, and being anti-leftist is not the same as being Antisemitic. Period.”

The site then lays out the 92-year-old Hungarian Holocaust survivor’s history of funding political activism, including support of the anti-Israel BDS movement.

Hammer tweeted: “Soros has dedicated his life to fomenting American anarchism, undermining Israel’s territorial integrity, and destabilizing Western nation-states more generally.”

The Daily Signal further reports:

“George Soros is a destructive civilizational force in America, Israel, his native Hungary, and throughout the West more generally,” Hammer told The Daily Signal in a statement. “Far too many elected officials who criticize his dastardly influence, and perhaps especially his sprawling network of ‘progressive prosecutors,’ are dishonestly tarred as ‘antisemites’ for doing so.”“Enough. This gaslighting must end, and we hope to help do so,” Hammer said….“Jews Against Soros will fight back against the common left-wing smear that opposition to Soros and his sprawling network of political organizations is antisemitic,” a Wednesday press release said. “Attacking Soros for his influence on American politics, to say nothing of his nefarious agenda in Israel itself, isn’t antisemitic.”“It is simply a fact that Soros funds a huge proportion of the radical Left in this country. And he must be stopped,” the press release added.

Yes, some criticism of Soros can be antisemitic, but the claim that even intense criticism of Soros’ actual conduct is antisemitic is false and malicious.


Tags: Antisemitism, George Soros