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Democrats, Diversity, and Incompetence Week at Legal Insurrection

Democrats, Diversity, and Incompetence Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Mayor Pete’s presidential ambitions are going up in smoke like a chemical fire in Ohio.

Biden somehow managed to make things worse.

Democrats made this political.

But they really care about diversity.

Trump did the right thing.

BIG news!

Good thing Jill stepped in.

Project Veritas made a big mistake.

You couldn’t make this up.

Mugged by reality.

World news.

Our media is so awful.

He is such a hypocrite.

So bizarre.


Why does this keep happening?



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Just remember, it’s better to Care than to Help.

In a prior generation he would have stood a chance of having his feminine perversion beaten out of him by parents and classmates. How sick the world has become where it celebrates sickness.

    henrybowman in reply to E Howard Hunt. | February 26, 2023 at 2:33 pm

    Assuming you’re talking about Brinton and not Buttigieg… his “official” history (which some folks — including gay folks and his mother — maintain is a complete fabrication) has him in a conversion therapy clinic being tortured with heat, ice, and electric needles in his fingers; being battered by his dad at age 11; and having a gun held to his head and being told never to come back home. Did violence fail to “fix” him, or did it just never happen?

    (Ironically, in the photo on that article, he is wearing one of the highly recognizable outfits that we have just learned he also stole at an airport.)

“Democrats, Diversity, and Incompetence Week at Legal Insurrection”

You’re gonna need a bigger blog.