Officials Have Encountered 267,000 Migrant Children at Border Since Biden Became President

Since January 2021, the Border Patrol has encountered 267,000 unaccompanied children at the U.S.-Mexico border since President Joe Biden took office.

July 2021 had 19,000 encounters alone. From Fox News:

For fiscal year 2022, there have been 140,186 encounters with one month left to go. The months during parts of fiscal years 2018 and 2019, when then-President Trump occupied the White House, encounters involving unaccompanied and underage migrants only surpassed 10,000 once, in May 2019, according to CBP data.According to a CBP chart, unaccompanied migrant encounters started to increase in January 2021 when 5,820 encounters were reported. By March 2021, that figured more than tripled as border officials reported 18,870 encounters.The month with the most such encounters since Biden took office was July 2021 with 18,954 encounters.Overall, fiscal 2022 has exceeded two million encounters of migrants of all ages.

Overall, illegal immigration has surged since January 2021 because of all the promises Biden made on the campaign trail. For example, a Honduran caravan started making its way to the border before Biden became president. I wrote on January 18:

People within Biden’s team has said the new president wants to offer “a pathway to citizenship for an estimated 11 million immigrants who are in the country without legal status.”The plan also offers “a shorter pathway to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of people with temporary protected status and beneficiaries of” DACA.

But the incoming Biden officials stressed the migrants should not come to the border.

The migrants told Biden to honor his commitments with a statement:

“We recognize the importance of the incoming Government of the United States having shown a strong commitment to migrants and asylum seekers, which presents an opportunity for the governments of Mexico and Central America to develop policies and a migration management that respect and promote the human rights of the population in mobility,” the statement said. ” We will advocate that the Biden government honors its commitments.”

When you make these promises, people will take you seriously. It’s cruel and vicious to give these people hope that they can just cross the border, no questions asked. Most of these migrants want to work and improve their families lives. They want to be American citizens. They want to contribute.

It’s disturbing how many unaccompanied children cross the border. But parents know the U.S. won’t expel the children. They’ll take the children into custody, and officials will unite them “with sponsors or relatives already in the country.”

We’ve blogged about the unaccompanied migrant children at the border, including adults posing as children:

Tags: Biden Immigration, Border Crisis, DHS, Mexico