The Progressive Purge Begins Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.

Joe Biden has not even been sworn in yet and the left’s cancel culture campaign is already off and running.
- Twitter Permanently Bans Trump’s Personal Twitter Account so Trump joins Parler (Update – Google Suspends Parler App)
- The Great Purge Expands As CNN Sets Its Sights On Fox News’ Cable Providers
- Facebook Purges #WalkAway Movement Page, Thousands of Testimonials Gone
The list goes on and on…
- Dan Bongino Leaves Twitter for Parler After Being Locked Out of His Account
- Facebook, YouTube, Shopify All Move to Deplatform Trump and Questions About 2020 Election
What Michelle wants, Michelle gets.
The riot at the Capitol is being used as a pretext.
- Trump Supporters Storm Capital Hill, Attack Police and Breaking Windows
- Video of Shooting Death of Ashli Babbitt Raises Questions About Use of Deadly Force
- LIVE UPDATES — Capitol Hill Protest Fallout
It didn’t even matter that Trump spoke out against it.
Sadly true.
Of course, no one was cancelled for this.
- Sen. Josh Hawley: “Antifa scumbags came to our place in DC and threatened my wife and newborn daughter”
- Flashback 2020: Six Months of Antifa/BLM Looting, Rioting, and Chaos
Expect a lot more of this.
- Biden, Harris Inject Race Into Non-Racial Riots at Capitol Hill, Lie About BLM Riots
- New House Rules Propose Elimination Of ‘Gendered’ Terms Like ‘Father’ and ‘Daughter’
Good for him.
And there will be no consequences.
- Pelosi Sought To Have Military Limit Trump’s Authority As Commander-In-Chief
- Oops – Looks Like Kamala Harris ‘Fweedom’ Story Plagiarized From Martin Luther King, Jr. 1965 Interview
Build your own Twitter, they said.
- Liberal Activist Group Sleeping Giants Wants Apple, Google to Remove Parler
- Apple suspends Parler from App Store (UPDATE: Amazon kicking Parler off AWS hosting platform)
Progressive law enforcement.
World news.
- Another Trump-Brokered Diplomatic Breakthrough: Saudi Arabia Ending Qatar’s Blockade
- Merkel’s Government Seeks to Revive Hate Speech Law Citing Capitol Hill Events
- Hong Kong Arrests 53 Opposition Activists, Including U.S. Lawyer, Under New Security Law
Branco cartoons!

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Comments is the twit alternative that has its own servers.
It’s also got
They’re working on a phone alternative so the app stores can’t block apps.
It’s slow now because of the huge inrease in traffic, but they’re installing additional servers and will be back up to speed in about a week.
Firefox asks for a reason why I was uninstalling the app. Rather than tell them how I really felt I (probably wasted my time and told them …
You are absolutely right. These morons think they have full control of the people, but actually we the people control them. and to go a little deeper, all of us only have control for this very little second in time. The left should be very careful how they use their authority given to them by our God Almighty!
It would be a shame if everyone who opposes this insanity closed all bank accounts, annuities, portfolios, 401k etc wouldn’t it?
Let’s do some defunding of our own. Adopt the left’s “silence is compliance” stance. It’s probably a good idea anyway, I can’t imagine the economy can hold up with a “green new deal” and never-ending stimulus checks.
As PJ Media pointed out, this was the CCP/Progressives’ Reichstag Fire.