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August 2020

Thursday night, the mob brought a guillotine and plopped it in front of the white house, along with an effigy of the president. Attached to the effigy was a paper that read: "Ticket -- Fascist, Rapist, Criminal."

Amid growing concern over antisemitic violence on German streets and anti-Israel activism on the country's campuses, the U.S.-based policy research institute Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) has published a detailed report looking at the activities of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement in Germany. 

The third night of the Republican National Convention featured a wide variety of speakers, but one speech that truly stood out came from former NFL player and self-described 'lifelong Democrat' Jack Brewer. Brewer addressed some of the common lies told about President Trump, and even excoriated the media for pushing misinformation.