Political Vaudeville Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.

Is everyone enjoying the show?
- Elizabeth Warren goes full cringeworthy with dance moves and dating advice
- Joe Biden On ObamaCare: “you couldn’t keep your doctor if you wanted to necessarily”
- Pete Buttigieg suggests Trump to blame for Iranians shooting down Ukrainian airliner
Wait until you see Act II.
- Diversity For Thee, But Not For We: Next Dem Debate Will Be All White
- Surging in two early state polls, billionaire Tom Steyer qualifies for next Democrat debate
The left was hoping for WWIII.
- European Leaders ‘Relieved’ as President Trump Steps Away from Retaliating Against Iran
- Trump: ‘Iran Appears to be Standing Down’
Send in the clowns.
- CNN Fails to Disclose Its Iranian Guest Threatened to Kill American Hostages in 1979
- Liberal Media Freaks Out Over Trump Blaming Obama Admin for Funding Iranian Aggression
- CNN fighting with Babylon Bee over who has the fakest news
MSNBC hardest hit.
What happened to her brilliant strategy?
- Pelosi Will Likely Send Articles of Impeachment to Senate Next Week
- McConnell Signs Hawley’s Resolution to Change Senate Rules, Dismiss Articles of Impeachment
World news.
- Australia’s Apocalyptic Fires Caused by Bad Land Management and Arsonists, Not “Climate Change”
- Germany Vows to “Save” Nuclear Deal as Iran Enriches Weapons-Grade Uranium
- Palestinian terror groups mourn loss of key supporter Qassem Soleimani
Branco cartoons!

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Elizabeth Warren recently did a fake dance in order to conjure all the dead voters to her side.
Polling Experts: Democrats More Likely to Nominate ‘No One’ Than Elizabeth Warren
The Iranian people are now refusing to step on the American or Israeli flags. https://twitter.com/alexbruesewitz/status/1216370012497248257
Princess Spreading Bull is frightening papooses with those war dance moves.
I’m one of you. I drink beer, I dance, what more do you want! Vote for me or else you racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, inbred, redneck, bible-thumping, Nascar loving, gun-toting, America loving bigot
I don’t like NASCAR.
I don’t dance. I’ve told my friends: if you see me trying to dance, take my keys!
God Bless America!