Legal Insurrection’s 10 Most-Viewed Posts of 2019

2019 was a boom year for Legal Insurrection. Our page views hit 21 million, the most ever for a single year, and a 25% increase from 2018.

Our most-viewed post had over 500,000 views, topping the previous record for a single post of 320,000 views set in 2018 by Fuzzy’s post, Ford calls it quits on Kavanaugh: Wants no prosecution, no investigation, no impeachment.

It’s no surprise that 3 of the 10 most-viewed posts concerned the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College verdicts. That case coverage was the first project of the Legal Insurrection Foundation, and it shows that when we have the resources, we can invest in research, investigation, and reporting that anticipates rather than chases the headlines.

You can view prior year most-viewed posts at these links:

Here are the 10 most-viewed posts of 2019:

10. Vape shop employee’s public tirade against Trump supporter latest #TDS incident

They can’t control themselves.

9. Oberlin College mass email criticizing Jurors could influence Punitive Damages Hearing in Gibson’s Bakery case

What were they thinking, attacking the jurors after getting slammed with $11 million in compensatory damages, but before the punitives damages phase?

8. Hamas explosives chief accidentally blows himself up

This Darwin Award Winner post from 2017 made an unexpected comeback in 2019, mostly through Facebook sharing. Feel good stories about terrorists blowing themselves up never get old. And neither do they.

7. The “Whistleblower Complaint” isn’t a whistleblower complaint, it’s a closing argument

The “Whistleblower Complaint” smelled like schiff.

6. All three Nicholas Sandmann lawsuits to go forward — WaPo, CNN, NBC

Comeback story of the year.

5. Rep Eric Swalwell to resistant gun owners: “it would be a short war my friend. The government has nukes.”

This post first ran in November 2018, but its stench lingered well into 2019 and made the list.

I think we can survive his nukes. Not so sure about his toxic gas.

4. NC: Man Whose Defense of the Second Amendment Went Viral Announces Run for Lt. Governor

This was a surprise performer. It touched a nerve, I think because the original viral video (at the link) was so great.

3. Oberlin College hit with maximum PUNITIVE DAMAGES (capped at $22 million by law) in Gibson’s Bakery case

Rest in Peace, David Gibson. No matter what happens on appeal, your family name has been cleared, and you were here to see it. Along with over 200,000 others who viewed this post.

2. VERDICT: Jury awards Gibson’s Bakery $11 million against Oberlin College

The Verdict Heard ‘Round The World. Do you remember where you were when you heard the news? Over 250,000 views here alone.

1. Finland: Government Collapses Over Universal Health Care Costs, #Bernie2020 Hardest Hit

This is the Engergizer Bunny of posts. It just keeps going, and going, and going, now at over 1/2 million views. The most ever, by a long shot. Fuzzy wins for the second year in a row.

Are we going to let Fuzzy win a third year in a row in 2020? Are we not men? (Wait, don’t answer that.)

Honorable mention — Missed by *this* much

Kellyanne Conway’s NeverTrump husband calls Elise Stefanik “lying trash”

Bill Barr is going to expose Spygate, and the Democrat-Media Russia Collusion Complex is panicking

Elise Stefanik skewers Dems impeachment case with classic cross-examination techniques

Tags: Blogging, Nicholas Sandmann