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Crashing the Democrat Star Chamber Week at Legal Insurrection

Crashing the Democrat Star Chamber Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Republicans finally did something to fight back against the Democrats’ secret proceedings this week.

The whole thing is ridiculous.

Democrats have good reasons to be worried.

Their convention next year should be interesting.

This should be good.

They better not.

Good question.

How to not win friends and influence people.

Happy Halloween!

What a shame.

World news.

Branco cartoons!


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Here’s an interesting article that sheds a lot of light and context on the Obama administration’s corrupt Ukraine activity:

Kerry, Clinton, Biden and many more…. Talk about naming names and spelling out the crimes.

    It sheds nothing but bullsh*t. Nothing in it is even slightly plausible. For one thing, the so-called “whistleblower” (for lack of a better name) has been identified as a CIA agent, not asset, who was seconded to the White House. That alone rules Danilov right out.

    Also, look who wrote this piece of cr*p. The notorious antisemite and fraud, “Israel Shamir”. Nothing he writes, on any topic, has any credibility, so what’s the point of ever reading it?

      Everything he cites is a lie? Really? Most everything is consistent to the facts that have already been established. Shamir being an anti-semite is hardly relevant to the Ukraine corruption situation. The website publishes samples of alternative media. Unlike you, I can wade into the enemy camp without having my brain scrambled.

      It’s about adding context to a story we already know plenty about. Ignoring voices from outside our echo chamber is a big mistake. It’s how we (you?) become self-deluded.

      So what is it that he says you know to be not factual and relevant? I don’t care about the mundane irrelevancies.

      txvet2 in reply to Milhouse. | October 27, 2019 at 4:58 pm

      “”the so-called “whistleblower” (for lack of a better name) has been identified as a CIA agent, not asset, who was seconded to the White House.””

      According to Schiff. I don’t know how credible Phil’s article is, but I’m pretty sure that Schiff is a liar. Of course there may be more reliable sources as to the spy’s ID, but given that nobody else actually know for sure who the spy is (or even if such a person actually exists), I don’t know who it would be. Everything I’ve seen so far consists of guesswork.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Pasadena Phil. | October 27, 2019 at 10:35 am

    Thanks Phil.