Hamas tunnel engineer “working on a tunnel underneath his home when it collapsed and killed him”

A “work accident” is a commonly used term to refer to Palestinian terrorists who die by their own hand when explosives or explosive devices they are handling detonate prematurely, or when a tunnel they are constructing collapses.

We have covered many such incidents:

Joe Truzman at his valuable weekly Ground Brief newsletter (to which you should subscribe) reports on the latest Hamas work accident:

The military wing of Hamas, Al-Qassam Brigades, acknowledged Friday [note – link goes to Hamas website] that one of their tunnel engineers, Ayman Zidan, had died. They were not specific about the cause of his death, only stating it was an “accident.” However, Qassam activists claimed Zidan was working on a tunnel underneath his home when it collapsed and killed him.

Here is the announcement from the Al-Qassam brigade, the military wing of Hamas:





Additional information was posted on a pro-Israel Facebook page:

A terrorist was killed yesterday in the collapse of a tunnel in Sheikh Radwan’s neighborhood in the Gaza Strip, called Ayman Jamil Zidan, 32, was killed in his home in Sheikh Radwan’s neighborhood in Gaza City.Zidan was killed in the collapse of a hole he dug in his home (6 meters deep).A terrorist was killed yesterday in a tunnel collapse in Sheikh Radwan in the Gaza strip his name Ayman Jamil Zidane 32 years old.

Truzman posted on Twitter this Hamas poster and banner from Zidan’s mourning tent:

As with most of these work accidents, the most significant part is not the accident itself. It’s how and where it took place.

In this case, the Hamas tunnel engineer was working underneath his own home, turning the civilian structure into a military purpose. That is something we see throughout Gaza, where Hamas hides among and underneath civilian structures, using civilians as human shields.

For background on Hamas’ human shield tactic, see our recent post, Remember, Hamas hides behind civilians and international media will try to cover it up.

Tags: Gaza, Hamas, Palestinian Work Accident