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July 2018

Scott Pruitt has resigned from his post as administrator of the EPA. President Donald Trump took to Twitter, saying he accepted Pruitt's resignation and that Pruitt's deputy Andrew Wheeler will take over.

I keep thinking there will come a point when the public realizes turning politics into a religion is not just unfruitful, but potentially personally devastating. Politics and politicians are fickle and will always fail you given the opportunity. But, we're not there yet. Bridgid Delaney quit going to the gym when Trump won the 2016 election. The owner of the gym Delaney once frequented and Delaney entered into a pre-election bet, if Trump one, Delaney would have to pull 70kg on a "sled" machine. If Hillary won, the gym owner would have to pull double his personal best.

Two Britains fell ill four days ago after an exposure to the nerve agent Novichok, the same agent that almost killed Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. The British government blamed Russia for the attack on the Skripals, but authorities don't have any evidence as of now to show them why anyone would target Charlie Rowley, 45, and Dawn Sturgess, 44.

Riots erupted in the French city of Nantes following the death of a 22-year-old man, who was shot after running over a police officer at a vehicle stop. Cars and buildings--including a local court--were set on fire in the city's Breil district, an area with "largely immigrant populations," media report say.

The city of Seattle is known for its progressive politics, and has drifted even further left in recent years. Some members of the city police force are saying that this has come into conflict with law enforcement and are even leaving the force as a result.

Recently, I reported that that U.S. District Judge William Alsup of the Northern District of California tossed out the lawsuits that the cities of Oakland and San Francisco filed last fall against six fossil fuel giants. The two cities were seeking to hold the oil companies liable for the cost of infrastructure upgrades and remediation expected as they deal with effects of rising sea levels. Undaunted, the state of Rhode Island has now filed a lawsuit against Big Oil.
Rhode Island’s attorney general sued a dozen oil and natural gas companies and their affiliates Monday in state court, accusing them of causing climate change and not sufficiently mitigating its effects.

This week’s case is a recent criminal trial sentencing out of Connecticut that purportedly involves principles of “Stand-Your-Ground,” but that in reality, of course, has nothing to do with “Stand-Your-Ground” at all.

Three-on-one Attack Ends With Defender Convicted

The defendant in this case was Jeffrey Sumpter, 21 years old, who was working his job at a Dunkin Donuts coffee shop when he was assaulted by three attackers (or “juveniles,” as the media labels this gang of aggressors). Sumpter ended up stabbing one of the attackers in claimed self-defense. He was charged with felony first-degree assault, found guilty, and just days ago was sentenced to 18 months in jail and three years probation. (All as reported per the CTPost, and other sources.)

Amy Coney Barrett faced the wrath of anti-Catholics during her confirmation hearings for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. The same anti-Catholic rhetoric has emerged once again as her name is rumored to be on the short list to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy. Democrat Senate candidate and conspiracy theorist Richard Painter insists Barrett belongs to a cult called People of Praise.

It's kind of weird this story is coming out now when Ohio Republican Rep. Jim Jordan's name has become prominent in talks of who should be the next Speaker of the House. Jordan worked as an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University from 1987 to 1995. Now former wrestlers during that time claim Jordan ignored sexual abuse allegations against the team's physician Dr. Richard Strauss.