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July 2018

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced today that a federal grand jury indicted 12 Russians, all officers with Russia's intelligence agency GRU, for allegedly hacking into the DNC and Hillary's campaign. The most important part of Rosenstein's speech: "There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result."

President Donald Trump criticized Europe's open border policy, saying that mass immigration was permanently changing the continent for the worse. The UK is "losing" its culture as a result, he added. "I think it changed the fabric of Europe and, unless you act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was and I don’t mean that in a positive way." Trump said in an interview with the British newspaper The Sun. The comments came on the first day of his visit to the UK.

The Sun dropped an interview with President Donald Trump on Thursday night as he met with Prime Minister Theresa May for a black-tie dinner. In it, he criticized May's Brexit strategy, claimed she did not listen to him, and that a trade deal between the two countries could be in danger. May and Trump held a press conference Friday morning. Trump told May that whatever she wants to do with her Brexit plan is okay with America, but just make it possible for the UK to engage in trade with the United States. Trump also called The Sun interview 'fake news' because they left out portions of his comments, all of which the White House has recorded.

Speaker Paul Ryan doesn't have a car. Not after a family of hungry woodchucks moved into the undercarriage of his Suburban and snacked on the vehicle's electrical system. During an event at The Economic Club of Washington, D.C. Thursday, outgoing Speaker of the House Paul talked about life after D.C., which will now include car shopping.

The left and Resistance lost their minds when President Donald Trump had the nerve to say that because of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline "Germany is captive of Russia ". Former Secretary of State John Kerry lashed out at Trump for his "disgraceful" comments. Weird...only two years ago, Kerry expressed concern over this exact same pipeline as he sat with high-level European Union officials! Former Vice President Joe Biden made similar remarks around the same time.

President Donald Trump ended his time in Brussels, Belgium, by declaring his commitment to NATO and finds it unnecessary for the US to withdraw. NATO members held an emergency meeting on Thursday to address Trump's concern that they're not pulling enough of their weight when it comes to defense spending. Trump touted in an impromptu news conference before his departure that the members reached an agreement.