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December 2017

Former Democratic Arizona Rep. Gabby Giffords' gun control group has purchased ads to target eight GOP House members before the chamber votes on a bill that allows concealed carry across state lines. From Politico:
Digital ads will also go out against Reps. Steve Knight (R-Calif.), Ed Royce (R-Calif.), Mimi Walters (R-Calif.), Mike Coffman (R-Colo.), Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) and Barbara Comstock (R-Va.). All of these are at the top of Democrats’ 2018 pick-up hopes. There will be a radio ad focused on the three Southern California members.

USA Today has done an excellent investigation into the Department of Veteran Affairs. Its latest bombshell shows that the VA has hired doctors they know have malpractice claims and felony convictions. How could this possibly happen? A not so thorough hiring process:
Applications are vetted, education and licenses verified, references checked, and interviews conducted. For clinical hires, a review and approval by a professional standards board also is required. But when applicants disclose prior problems with medical licensing short of revocation, malpractice or criminal histories, VA hospital officials have discretion to weigh the providers’ explanations and approve their hiring anyway.

This weekend, Obama proved once again that he is incapable of affording his successor the same courtesy shown by his predecessor. While speaking in Paris, Obama cited a lack of American leadership on climate change.

All the way back on November 21, 2017, I suggested that given the state of the Alabama Senate special election, Roy Moore was likely to win assuming no new allegations or proof of sexual misconduct came out. In my post, If Roy Moore wins, thank Gloria Allred and Al Franken, I focused on Gloria Allred's entry into the case and her refusal to produce for forensic inspection a yearbook allegedly containing Moore's handwriting:

Okay, this story made me giggle.  A lot.  The very idea of Chelsea Clinton relegating herself to the boonies of Arkansas, a state her parents disdained and couldn't leave quickly enough, is hilarious to me.  Not so to Politico, however. The idea of the Clinton dynasty just will not die, and poor Chelsea is going to be sacrificed on its altar.  Remember when the media and left was pushing the idea of a Chelsea run for the U. S. House of Representatives in New York?  That fizzled out quickly.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough cause a Twitter storm when he posted a misleading tweet about Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT).  Scarborough misrepresented Hatch's comments about entitlements generally as being specifically about CHIP, a program created back in 1997 when Hatch co-sponsored the legislation with then-Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA). Scarborough has since taken down the tweet, but here is a screen cap of it:

In the wake of the recent spate of sexual offense allegations, particularly against politicians such as Roy Moore, "credible" and "credibly" have become the latest buzzwords. Take this Politico piece, for example, written by a former Bush speechwriter named Matt Latimer [emphasis mine]:
In the wake of the Roy Moore fiasco, a number of “hot takes” have made their rounds in the media. How obviously hypocritical it is, for example, for evangelical leaders to stand behind a man credibly accused of sexually assaulting a minor...