Rigged Primary Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.

Remember when Democrats and their media allies scoffed at suggestions that the Democrat primary was rigged?
- Donna Brazile Throws Hillary Campaign Under the Bus
- Elizabeth Warren Didn’t Back Bernie When it Counted, Now Jumps on “Rigging” Bandwagon
Of course he does.
Virginia’s race for governor ends Tuesday.
- Desperate Democrats Go Full Race Card in New Ad for VA Gov Race
- After Terrorist Attack in NYC, Latino Victory Fund Pulls Racist anti-Gillespie Ad
- Restored Voting Rights for Felons Could Tip VA Gov Race
No surprises here.
Kevin Spacey might be finished.
- Kevin Spacey Blasted for Using His Sexuality to Cover for Sexual Misconduct Claim
- Netflix Announces End of ‘House of Cards’ After Spacey Sexual Wrongdoing Allegations
- ‘House of Cards’ Production Suspended Indefinitely After Spacey Allegations
World news.
- Merkel Struggles to Form Coalition Government
- Israel’s IDF Obliterates Gaza Attack Tunnel
- Music, Dancing, Happiness Flood Back Into Raqa After ISIS Rule
Branco cartoons!

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Hillary Clinton was the Tony Harding of 2016.
I know it is ancient history, but did Lie-A-Lotta Warren ever support Sanders over Hillary, or even call out Democrat shenanigans during the primaries? If she did, I must have missed it.