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After Terrorist Attack in NYC, Latino Victory Fund Pulls Racist anti-Gillespie Ad

After Terrorist Attack in NYC, Latino Victory Fund Pulls Racist anti-Gillespie Ad

That didn’t take long.

After intense backlash for their horribly racist ad, the Latino Victory Fund pulled an anti-Gillespie ad.

Ed Gillespie is the Republican Gubernatorial candidate in Virginia where an election will be held November 7.

Mike blogged Tuesday:

A new ad for the Virginia governor race shows a man in a truck with a Gillespie sticker and Confederate flag on it, chasing minority children who are running for their lives. Gillespie is the Republican candidate.

What’s being implied in the ad is clear. The driver of the truck is a white Republican man who is trying to kill minority children by running them down.

The Latino Victory Fund was rightly chastised for the disgusting ad and Wednesday, the ad was pulled.

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch:

A Democratic-aligned advocacy group has canceled a controversial video showing a truck chasing down minority children after Tuesday’s truck attack in New York City.

The Latino Victory Fund, the group behind the ad that depicted a pickup truck with a Confederate flag and a bumper sticker for GOP gubernatorial nominee Ed Gillespie, had come under fire from Republicans who said the ad implied that Gillespie supporters want to commit violence against children. The group hinted that the deadly New York attack was behind its decision to pull the ad from the internet.

“We knew our ad would ruffle feathers. We held a mirror up to the Republican Party, and they don’t like what they see. We have decided to pull our ad at this time,” said Cristóbal J. Alex, the group’s president. “Given recent events, we will be placing other powerful ads into rotation that highlight the reasons we need to elect progressive leaders in Virginia.”

Police in New York say a man in a rented pickup truck drove onto a bicycle path near the World Trade Center memorial Tuesday, killing at least eight people and seriously injuring 11.

“Ruffle feathers,” is what you do when you get under someone’s skin with something at least a little bit true. Portraying all white people as Confederate-sympathizing, brown skin-hating, imbeciles goes well beyond feather ruffling and into defamation.

The ad is no longer available on the group’s YouTube channel, but can be viewed here. Just be sure to pop your blood pressure pills before viewing:

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Funny about that. It’s not white Americans running down innocent people on American streets; it’s immigrants. They’re the ones doing the crimes Americans won’t do.

In addition to the most vile content in…ever…

the group running the add had the WORST timing imaginable.

Almost makes one believe in karma…

Diversity, including color, a progressive form of racism, continues to earn a deserved bad reputation.

I have read the Gillespie’s fundraising tripled following this ad’s appearance, and that was before the New York attack.

I said it before – for them to even CONSIDER running an ad like this their internal poll numbers must be disastrous. Groups don’t just go out and make an ad like this and run it without approval from SOMEBODY in the campaign. I fully expect a public firing of somebody by Northam in the next couple days in an attempt to salvage this.

    Milhouse in reply to Olinser. | November 1, 2017 at 9:46 pm

    Groups don’t just go out and make an ad like this and run it without approval from SOMEBODY in the campaign.

    On the contrary, if this is an outside group doing independent expenditure, they’re not allowed to run it by anyone in the campaign. It’s probably OK to merely notify the campaign as a courtesy before it runs, so they’re not caught by surprise, but even that’s iffy; seeking approval will land you in deep **** if you get caught.

    That’s what the John Doe investigations in Wisconsin were about, except that the ads being investigated weren’t related to an election in which Walker was a candidate, so there was no law to allegedly break. Had they been election ads the investigation would have been lawful and the courts wouldn’t eventually have shut it down.

“We knew our ad would ruffle feathers. We held a mirror up to the Republican Party, and they don’t like what they see.” Go play with a lemon, Cristobal. Also this is projection at work. It’s always projection with the left.

There was an actual case here in Sterling, VA of a Muslim girl in a hijab getting chased down by a car and murdered.

The driver was a Hispanic and an Illegal Alien.

This was national news recently.

Surprised that so many “journalists” are unaware of it and fail to mention it in relation to this obscene campaign ad.

It wasn’t a Gillespie supporter running down a Muslim girl, it was one of the special “undocumented immigrants” that groups like Latino Victory Fund exists to protect that did it.

As offensive as their ad was, their non-pology was worse, “We knew our ad would ruffle feathers. We held a mirror up to the Republican Party, and they don’t like what they see.”

Again, ZERO people on the Right running down hispanics or muslims with their cars, while in fact Hispanics have recently done precisely that and Muslims are turning it into an art form world-wide.

Liberals just don’t get it. No one cares about their politics of envy and racial hatred any more. There time has been and gone YET they cling to the past like a fat chick clinging to an empty packet of smarties.