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Liberal Tears Week at Legal Insurrection

Liberal Tears Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

The left’s meltdown over the election continues apace.

In some cases, with actual tears.

Trump’s cabinet picks are a sore spot for liberals.

World news.

Legal updates.

Major losses.

Branco cartoons.


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Was it really more important to those weepy women to have that sick, corrupt woman POTUS than it would have been to have a really qualified woman later? We have seen what happens when someone gets elected because of race and not because of skills, knowledge or love of country. It seems that the stupid never learn from mistakes made. They just want what they want when they want it and the rest of us get stuck with the consequences. As far as I am concerned, those crybabies can continue to cry. What a sheltered life they have led if this is what devastates them.

    They are quite arrogant, yet incredibly ignorant, and ultimately a group of hysterics that want to rule over the rest of us. Kind of like little yappy dogs trying to wear down us bigger dogs.

    We wear-down no more. On Inauguration Day, adults will again be in charge of the country.

Mmmm, liberal tears. They go great with egg nog, btw.