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August 2016

The assassination of five Dallas cops last July left Dallas, TX, and the whole nation in shock. NFL team Dallas Cowboys wanted to honor the fallen cops with an Arm-In-Arm decal on their helmets, but the league said the team must remove the decals once preseason starts.

Senator Rand Paul has said lock her up, but not as a campaign rally chant. He really means it. Paul shares the feeling of many Americans that Hillary Clinton got a free pass for something that would have sent other people to jail. The New American reports:
Rand Paul Launches Effort to "Hold Hillary Accountable" Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is marching on in his quest to hold Hillary Clinton accountable for her misuse of classified material while serving as secretary of state in the Obama administration.

Israel has faced discrimination at the 2016 Rio Olympics, but Egyptian judoka Islam El Shehaby refused to boycott his match against Israeli judoja Or Sasson. One of the fears of anti-Israel social media, which demanded a boycott, was that El Shehaby would lose, and thereby not only normalize Israel's participation but humiliate the Muslim world. El Shehaby lost. Egypt Israel Judoka Perhaps fearing the internet reaction, Shehaby refused to shake Sasson's hand afterwards.

Some inside baseball from the Trump campaign . . . Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski have known Donald Trump for years, and reportedly are in regular contact with members of his campaign staff.  On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough said that what: "every Donald Trump staffer will tell you is: he never, ever takes any of the blame himself. He always screams at staffers. That's what is starting to happen now that the polls are going low." Meanwhile, Mika Brzezinski reported that Trump is exhausted, sleeping in "two-hour spurts," and that as a result Trump is "losing it." Do Joe and Mika have any sources inside Hillary's campaign? Think Clinton might occasionally raise her voice? And if she isn't sleep-deprived, what's accounting for her physical and verbal stumbles? Short-circuit, anyone?

We wrote recently about the Black Lives matter platform statement (under the name MB4L: Movement for Black Lives) and, in particular the “Invest-Divest section,” which attacks Israel and accuses Israel of ‘genocide’ and being an ‘apartheid state’. As reported, the statement was condemned by the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) of Boston, and the Anti-Defamation League. Subsequent condemnations were issued by the American Jewish Committee, the Union for Reform Judaism, as well as the more left-wing J-Street (the liberal “pro-Israel, pro-Peace” lobby group), and T’ruah: the rabbinic call for human rights.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) stopped a massive suicide attack on Thursday with help from the FBI. ISIS supporter Aaron Driver, 24, died during a confrontation with the police in a small Ontario town:
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commander Jennifer Strachan said Driver was intercepted by police as he entered a taxi with a backpack and said Driver detonated an explosive device, injuring himself and the taxi driver, before police shot at him. It was unclear whether Driver died as a result of the shrapnel or a police bullet.

If you think the Black Lives Matter movement is just or even primarily about "Black Lives," then you don't understand the movement. A new research report, based on detailed interviews with those active in the movement, demonstrates that the organized movement is a vehicle for a radical leftist anti-Capitalist agenda, using "Black Lives" as the hook. The research is by Anne Sorock of The Frontier Lab using a "deep values" methodology. Several years ago Anne was a regular contributor to Legal Insurrection, but that has fallen off as she devoted herself The Frontier Lab. Deep values research is something pioneered by Dr. Brian Wansink at the Food & Brand Lab at Cornell University. Anne received her MBA at Cornell and worked with that group. Deep values research seeks to understand not just what consumers like or want, but what deeply held values lead to such decisions. At The Frontier Lab, Anne applies those research methods to politics.

A massive hack of the Democratic National Committee's email system cost former Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz her job. A few weeks after Wikileaks published more than 19,000 hacked emails from top Democratic Party officials, investigators have indicated the personal email accounts of more than 100 Hillary campaign officials and other organizations may have been targeting in the attack. The New York Times reported:
The main targets appear to have been the personal email accounts of Hillary Clinton’s campaign officials and party operatives, along with a number of party organizations.

Newspapers continue to drop paywalls as more people aren't willing to pay for a digital subscription, especially since so many others other free content. The AFP reports:
Newspapers in the English-speaking world ended paywalls some 69 times through May 2015, including 41 temporary and 28 permanent drops, according to a study by University of Southern California researchers.

Italian Member of Parliament Elvira Savino wants the government to jail parents who feed their children a vegan diet. She claims she has nothing against the vegan diet, which requires absolutely NO animal products:
"I just find it absurd that some parents are allowed to impose their will on children in an almost fanatical, religious way, often without proper scientific knowledge or medical consultation," she said.

Hillary Clinton was rushed by an animal rights protester during a campaign event in Iowa this week. The protester, who was a young woman, was taken down by Secret Service and carried out of the venue by police. CBS News New York reports:
VIDEO: Animal Rights Protester Tackled By Security Trying To Rush Stage At Hillary Clinton Rally A woman was tackled by security as she was trying to rush the stage at a Hillary Clinton rally in Des Moines, Iowa, on Wednesday.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policy of ‘Refugee Welcome' is a gift that keeps on giving. On Wednesday morning, German police carried out series of raids in several cities in the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony. The raids were concentrated around the network of three prominent Muslim preachers suspected of working as recruiters and backers for the Islamic State (ISIS). The large-scale police operation comes just a day after German police in North Rhine-Westphalia arrested a man suspected of being a high-ranking member of the Islamic State.

While the elite media, leftists activists, and Clinton's minions explored new human limits in hyperbole yesterday by connecting Donald Trump's Second Amendment comments to incitement to violence, the GOP presidential candidate's supporters experienced real attacks. Arguably, the most dramatic of these episodes involved a vividly colored sculpture by artist Scott LoBaido, whose work was displayed at the home of his friend, Sam Pirozollo. The artwork was torched over the weekend.

A few days ago in our Quick Hits feature, this Insurrectionist wrote "the server is a Sword of Damocles over Hillary's campaign. Whatever the polls may say, Clinton knows that she is just one disclosure away from disaster." Has Mika Brzezinski heard the hair holding that Sword start to fray? Today's Morning Joe reported on the disclosure that a senior Clinton Foundation official had contacted close Hillary advisers Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills to request, as something "very important," that they set up a contact between a billionaire foreign Foundation donor and the US ambassador to Lebanon. Reacting, Mika said "as a Clinton supporter, I think the bigger question is, what is going to come out? Could something big come out? Could we have implosion of epic proportions. Could you say that the candidate you support doesn't have something lurking here that could bring down her campaign?"

A federal judge has weakened the Texas voter ID law while the U.S. Court of Appeals suspended a ruling that eliminated parts of Wisconsin's law. Activists have gone after voter laws recently as the presidential election nears. They insist the poor and minority voters somehow cannot obtain an ID.

While it is not new, there is an intensifying push in progressive circles, particularly among leftist Jews, to blame everything wrong in the Israeli-Arab conflict on the "occupation" of Judea and Samaria (aka the West Bank) by Israel. If only Israel would withdraw, then all would be good, it is claimed. Never mind that there is no evidence the result would be anything other than another launching pad to attack as happened when Israel left Gaza in 2005; or that Muslims will accept any Jewish national entity, regardless of shape, to occupy any portion of what now is Israel. Such facts don't get in the way of the narrative, which assesses terrorism as a result of the "occupation" and plays fast and loose with concepts of international law. (See, The Legal Case for Israel  and The Legal Case for Israel’s ‘Settlements’, as to why the "occupation" is not illegal, nor are the settlements.) This inverted assessment of terrorism is on full display in an Op-Ed in The Providence Journal by Nina Tannenwald, Director of the International Relations Program, and Senior Lecturer in Political Science, at The Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University .