Unconventional Politics Week at Legal Insurrection
All the news you may have missed.

It’s safe to say the Democratic National Convention was surreal.
- Hillary’s Unhumanized Acceptance Speech
- ‘Shocking and Weird’: Rachel Maddow Rips Start of Bill Clinton’s DNC Speech
- Bernie Fans’ Signs Confiscated at Dem Convention
Some aspects were deliberately downplayed by the media.
- Open Thread: Democrats in Turmoil, Convention Chaos
- Media Job #1 – Protect Hillary from #DNCLeak fallout
- Bernie Supporters Walk Out of DNC
There were a few truly absurd moments this week.
- Carlos Danger Compares Hillary to George Washington
- Scarborough: Michelle Obama Speech ‘Reminded Me of Reagan’
- John Kerry: Air Conditioners Just as Bad as ISIS
Movie news…
- Documentary “Hush” Focuses on Physical and Mental Health Ramifications of Abortion
- MOVIE REVIEW: Clinton Cash is a Must-See Film
- Documentary: Is the University Killing Free Speech?
Legal updates.
- Top IRS Officials Knew Agency Targeted Conservative Groups
- Freddie Gray Trials: Prosecutors Drop Remaining Trials Against Officers
- Hey Mosby, congratulations, you’re a laughingstock
Branco cartoons!

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