Scott Walker has fallen, hoping he gets back up
The only Republican candidate to have delivered institutional-level body blows to the left.
In an electorate demanding a dismantling of the status quo, Scott Walker should be a natural favorite.
There is no candidate in the Republican field who has delivered the institutional-level blow to the left-wing that Walker did by passing collective bargaining reform in Wisconsin.
It wasn’t an easy fight, and it would have been easy just to compromise to get the howling crowds to go away. It was what I called Wisconsin’s long, strange trip:
Police insurrections. Palace guards. Catch a Senator contests. Doctors behaving badly. Massive national solidarity protests which weren’t. Identity theft as political theater. Shark jumping. Legislators who run away to other states. Bus bang bangs. Protesters locking their heads to metal railings and pretending to walk like Egyptians. Beer attacks. Canoe flotillas. (alleged) Judicial chokeholds. Tears falling on Che Guevara t-shirts at midnight. Endless recalls. And recounts. Communications Directors making threats. Judges who think they are legislators (well, I’ll grant you that one is common). V-K Day. Hole-y warriors. Cities named Speculation and Conjecture.
But in a quiet way, he just kept on keeping on. And the result, including surviving a recall election, dealt a body-blow to Democrats unlike anything any other Republican presidential candidate can claim.
Walker also had other, though less obvious, conservative reforms.
And he did all this as the conservative movement in Wisconsin was under full-blown assault by the John Doe prosecutors, seeking to isolate Walker and bring him up on charges. After several years of investigation and ruined lives, they never got nothing on Walker.
So coming into the cycle, those of us who carefully followed what happened in Wisconsin naturally gravitated towards Walker. But we were a limited sub-set of the electorate.
When the Trump phenomenon came along, Walker’s support started to evaporate towards those who seized the moment, including Dr. Ben Carson.
Walker’s first debate performance was workmanlike, and in hindsight was a huge missed opportunity. That debate marked the beginning of the slide — it’s not so much that Walker made a bad impression on the huge TV audience, he just didn’t make any impression.
Walker has gone from frontrunner to middle of the pack, losing (depending on poll) about half his support.
Wondering what happened to Scott Walker’s campaign is a hot topic now. In fact, I asked on August 12, How does Scott Walker regain his momentum? Does he need to now?
At WaPo, two reporters ask, What happened to Scott Walker?:
Instead of rising to the occasion, however, Walker has continued to raise doubts.
Several supporters say Walker appears to have had too many meetings with too many experts, turning him into a more timid version of himself. They miss the Midwestern candidate who focused on economic issues like weakening public unions, making painful cuts to the budget and reducing taxes by more than $2 billion.
A former Republican officeholder said Walker needs to project the political persona that first made him attractive to conservatives, rather than seemingly lurch farther to the right on issues that never have been at his core.
“The Walker of the Iowa caucuses is not the Walker that people were used to seeing in Wisconsin,” said the Republican official, who requested anonymity in order to offer a candid view of Walker’s candidacy.
That sounds about right to me.
Life is not fair, and neither are election cycles. It may be that people are looking for something Walker is not capable of selling. That would be unfortunate, but no one said politics is fair.
I have little doubt that as President, Walker would deliver more of the body blows that so endeared him to us. It won’t be fluff, and it won’t be showmanship.
Just so relentless they will lock their heads to metal railings in protest. Oh wait, they’ve already done that.

[Protester at Wisconsin State Capitol, 2011. Image via JSOnline]
That’s not an “endorsement,” just a hope that when the field sorts itself out, and there are just a few people standing, Walker is one of them.

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I like Scott Walker very much, but if he can’t campaign on a national level his record in Wisconsin is not going to matter. He has so far been weak. I hope he can turn it around because he has a lot to offer.
NO ONE can “campaign on a national level” in a field of 18 candidates where over 90% of the media coverage goes to one of them. It just reinforces the name recognition, which in turn feeds the polls which the media use to justify continued coverage. It is as if media would like to pick the GOP nominee by blocking out the message of every other candidate.
But they wouldn’t do that, to ensure we have an easily defeated candidate, would they?
I used to like him. But people equals policy. Once he hired that scumbag Brad Dayspring I moved on to supporting other candidates.
Walker is a good man and I would hope find a way to promote his message. To date, his message has been drowned out by the attention paid to Trump, still Walker could find a way to get back front and center (Actually, more right!
He is trying very hard, and I suspect has learned his lesson after his narrow, circumscribed performance at the last debate. And wasn’t Rubio surging ten days ago?
I believe Walker is building a national constituency, slow and steady. His Midwestern values are quiet and unassuming but very real. Walker is not the pop icon flash-in-the-pan that Trump is. Walker is more of a meat and potatoes, daily grind, make it happen, shirt sleeve rolled up kind of guy who gets the job done as alluded to above.
What Walker desperately needs is not more bombastic verbosity but more vocal and financial support from people like me who believe in him.
America needs to return to its center-an Obama-free Midwest.
What evidence do you have that he’s building a national constituency “slow and steady”? I’d be interested. Without some it feels more like an attempt to explain away his ebb in popularity. In fact, the moments when Walker has showed more dazzle (if not bombast) are the moments which led to bursts in attention and popularity for him — and probably fund-raising. The strengths you cite served him well in Wisconsin, but these are not necessarily the skills required in a national election. It may be that he is simply a good regional leader and candidate — a good and capable midwestern governor — but not built for a national race.
It seems to me he has been trying to have it both ways on a number of issues to exploit the populism Trump is stirring while keeping big donors satisfied. This I think has worked against him. Big and bold (and specific) are what frustrated Americans on the right are looking for. I’ve heard the word “bombast” quite a bit lately, no doubt an invidious allusion to Trump, but let’s remember that only Trump has issued a comprehensive and specific plan for the immigration problem. Trump’s “bombast” is mostly simply politically incorrect (and slightly vulgar) candor and essential truth that people are craving. Walker and the others have had the same opportunity to offer this shock of truth and boldness (not bombast) and so far have not demonstrated the inclination.
“What evidence do you have that he’s building a national constituency “slow and steady”?”
Well, you for one are talking about him albeit negatively. In turn, others, Christians are hearing wisdom from Walker, wisdom not generally heard since the beginning of our political time.
Sure, Walker has room to grow but he is teachable. He is what Christians call “meek”. But meek is not weak. Walker as governor, within extremely difficult political and heinous circumstances, has stayed the course and turned the state around. The state is not completely well. There are many liberals (and haters who will do detestable things) in Madison and Milwaukee, but Walker is trying.
As we all know the Wisconsin voters who re-elected him are part of that national constituency. He has also impressed Iowans.
Bombast. Bombast. Bombast. Who do you think of? If you don’t think of Trump then you are “fired”.
And you as well compare Walker to the Trumpkins-the El Chapo of Immigration. Good luck with a one trick pony.
And we sure don’t need to pick a fight with China, a huge player in the world economy. If Mr. Litigious Trump wants China to respect us then maybe he should ingratiate himself and let China know that he is a businessman who will do business with China and wants to continue to do so, but on the best of terms for both countries. He should outline a win-win situation for the U.S. and China.
Walker poses no threat to China, except, perhaps, an existential one by building back up our military. Walker will pose a threat to Iran and Russia and to terrorists. He has made that clear.
Walker’s constituency will need to become bigger than the U.S. So I call upon others to make it happen.
In the mean time I support him and not the Donald.
Hopefully common sense and not flamboyancy wins the day come Nov. 2016.
I honestly thought that conservatives valued Walker’s proven experience over the current vaudeville of rhetoric and stump speeches.
I hope people will start exercising some tactical judgment and make Walker the nominee…with Fiorina as VP.
Walker is young. He can run later. The problem is IMMIGRATION.
If Walker is GREAT on everything but immigration, I won’t vote for him.
Immigration is the EXISTENTIAL issue.
If he would go at LEAST as far as Trump, preferably further, on deportations and stopping legal immigration, I would certainly support him – if I believed him.
But until I hear that song, I have to go with the man I believe will STOP IT.
Well said. It is not only an existential issue for the country, but a decisively revealing one for the candidates. So far only Trump has been clear on both counts.
There are several EXISTENTIAL issues, immigration being one.
And T-rump is a LOT less “clear” on immigration that you imagine.
My, my, Rags, look at the Trumpkins angry that you dare question their Beloved Leader! Don’t you know he can do no wrong?
They haf vays uf making joo sign ze paper, alte mann.
Well, I read his 2011 book, “Time to Get Tough.” Have you?
Nope. I have to admit I’ve not read Piketty’s book, either. Any number of books I have not read.
I have read T-rump’s crappy paper on immigration, and found it a blueprint for BIG GOVERNMENT and a body-blow to the middle-class (which it pretends to intend to benefit).
But I’m a small government, free market Conservative. None of which is T-rump.
Another Jeb voter heard from.
Like you’re a Sanders voter.
Those paying attention can discern the 1:1 correlationship between those dissing on Trump and those supporting Jeb.
This silly trope that anyone who doesn’t wholeheartedly support Trump is therefore a “RINO” is really getting old. Can you all not come up with some more meaningful reply to criticism of your man than to just shout JEB! and run away?
To Amy,
The sneer used most often against presidential candidate Ronald Reagan was… He’s a Hollywood actor, thus dismissed.
Trump did not make $10,000,000,000.00 by hosting The Apprentice on NBC. He did it for the fun of it not giving a hoot what critics say.
Walker is running on 2010 issues.
“Vaudeville of rhetoric?”
Was Ronald Reagan’s campaign rhetoric Vaudeville rhetoric, too?
(When you have clowns in charge of both political parties, it seems Vaudeville rhetoric is what is needed.)
40) “A hippie is someone who looks like Tarzan, walks like Jane and smells like Cheetah.”
38) “When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.”
37) “Welfare’s purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence.”
36) “A taxpayer is someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take a civil-service exam.”
35) “One way to make sure crime doesn’t pay would be to let the government run it.”
34) “I am paying for this microphone…!” (When a debate moderator threatened to cut off his mike at a debate he paid for.)
33) ” I want you to know also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponent’s youth and inexperience.” (To Walter Mondale at a debate)
32) “One legislator accused me of having a nineteenth-century attitude on law and order. That is a totally false charge. I have an eighteenth-century attitude. That is when the Founding Fathers made it clear that the safety of law-abiding citizens should be one of the government’s primary concerns.”
31) “There you go again.” (Reagan to Jimmy Carter in a debate)
30) “I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I’m in a cabinet meeting.”
29) “Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement.”
28) “Thomas Jefferson once said, ‘We should never judge a president by his age, only by his works.’ And ever since he told me that, I stopped worrying.”
27) “If you’re explaining, you’re losing.”
26) “I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts.”
25) “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”
24) “Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.”
22) “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth.”
19) “Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”
18) “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”
17) “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his.”
16) “How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”
13) “My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I just signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes.” (Said during a radio microphone test, 1984)
10) “Some people wonder all their lives if they’ve made a difference. The Marines don’t have that problem.”
9) “History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.”
8) “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
7) “Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?”
6) “Today we did what we had to do. They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong.”
5) “Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was too strong.”
4) “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”
3) “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'”
2) “We don’t have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven’t taxed enough; we have a trillion-dollar debt because we spend too much.”
1) “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”
I suppose you’ll call me names for pointing out that only a fraction of those quotes were “campaign rhetoric”.
And that Reagan had class…
I would never call you a ‘name’ for making an intelligent argument.
Yes, Reagan had a lot of class. But he did bomb-throw against Carter.
It is crucial to put people in the context of the time they lived in. Reagan lived in a world where a filthy young woman like Miley Cyrus could never be a pop star, or a time where young men weaned on porn grew up to be metrosexual protracted adolescents, and young women grew up to be bisexual and childless. Universities were not overt leftist indoctrination centers in Reagan’s day. The likes of Al Shartpon was relegated to the gutter instead of being a regular visitor to the White House. Movies were not leftist propaganda. The media then had some semblance of news reporting. Young people got their news from reading mainstream papers and news programming, not corrupt propagandists pretending to be comics, like John Stewart and David Letterman.
In Reagan’s time, Muslims were not torturing people to death on prime time.
In Reagan’s time, the Speaker of the House was a Speaker of the House, not a squeaker and a mouse. The GOP establishment, while liberal, had some semblance of balls. Today’s GOP is liberal and without any balls whatsoever.
The times in which we live apparently require extreme messages.
Like it or not, hence Trump.
If you don’t like Trump, your blame should be directed at no one but the hacks hogging leadership positions of the GOP, and the voters and donor class that aids them. While our deranged, degenerate president helped give us Trump, the GOP helped more. Much more.
The “Good Old Days” weren’t that good.
“Yes, Reagan had a lot of class. But he did bomb-throw against Carter.”
That would have been too easy to do. Carter did loads or truly stupid stuff. Carter deserved to have bombs thrown at him, and has grown even more looney over time.
“It is crucial to put people in the context of the time they lived in. Reagan lived in a world where a filthy young woman like Miley Cyrus could never be a pop star, or a time where young men weaned on porn grew up to be metrosexual protracted adolescents, and young women grew up to be bisexual and childless.”
No doubt the world is a much coarser place than it has been. Reagan would not have made comments about an already disgraced husband of an aide.
Universities were not overt leftist indoctrination centers in Reagan’s day. The likes of Al Shartpon was relegated to the gutter instead of being a regular visitor to the White House. Movies were not leftist propaganda.
Yes, even then there were movies which were leftist propaganda. More important are the stories not told. The universities have been sources of leftist indoctrination for many decades. John Dewey, that great educational reformer, was a socialist.
“The media then had some semblance of news reporting. Young people got their news from reading mainstream papers and news programming, not corrupt propagandists pretending to be comics, like John Stewart and David Letterman.”
The mainstream media in the 1940’s and 1950’s covered Stalin’s murder of 40 million, even applauded his work. They under-reported Hitler’s Holocaust efforts. Walter Cronkite delivered a severe blow to the Vietnam War effort with his comments during the Tet Offensive, which was a huge Vietnamese failure. Rather Uncle Walter pronounced it an American defeat.
“In Reagan’s time, Muslims were not torturing people to death on prime time.”
Not in prime time doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening. But Muslims were practicing female genital mutilation, and cutting off hands of thieves, publicly castrating rapists and beheading others. Elements of the Muslim world were the last to hang onto slavery, while other parts still embrace slavery as a legitimate, god justified activity.
Thanks for reminding us that Reagan was much more thoughtful than Trump can ever hope to be. And wittier too.
What a ridiculous waste of space. Could you not have just supplied a link, rather than cut & paste an entire post like that?
I’m pleased he showed the text. Saved me the trouble of going off to see it. Nice use of space, IMO.
I like the guy very much. He’s been in the trenches while T-rump has been at the USO show, annoying the girls.
Walker has been my #2 after Cruz; but he stumbled badly by letting one of his funders attack Trump without responding, and now has waffled on anchor babies.
Nothing would make me happier than to see Walker grab the colors from Trump and lead the charge on Veterans, illegals, Iran, etc but Walker seems ill-advised (literally) and overcautious. I’d certainly welcome him back swinging the axe.
I give a lot of credit to Scott Walker for what he has accomplished and defeating the Liberals Recall election then winning reelection.
Public Labor Unions are a vacuum pump taking member’s tax-payer funded income and sending it to Liberal campaigns.
Combine those two together and we have: Walk softly and carry a big stick.
If he is to get traction in this primary he is will need to shed his low-key approach and start slugging it out mano y mano.
LOL! It’s okay if you don’t want to learn Spanish, but if that’s the case, you probably shouldn’t try to use it
The only candidate who can defeat the Bush machine once the Florida primary comes (remember Newt Gingrich, remember Romney, remember what’s happened to the republican majorities in Congress we elected) with the intent of fixing things to make way for the Walkers and Cruzes of the future is Donald Trump. That’s why he’s running. The pro-Jeb PAC money is boosting anyone who looks like he could split the non-Jeb vote. Take heart; Trump is no fool. Stop being bought by the media that is beholden to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce et al. Trump’s candidacy is not about Trump.
Narcissist are known for their selflessness.
I don’t see a narcissist. Big ego is different, esp. justifiable bragging. Perhaps because I don’t watch teewee much, haven’t seen “The Apprentice” but perhaps two times, and know Trump since the 80s in and around his real estate doings. I suspect that too many people are looking at a faux fun “reality show” entertainment persona rather than the real person.
Hey Janitor, need some help understanding your comment. It strikes me as insightful on its face, but it’s too cryptic for me to fully embrace it.
Cruz is my man but notice that he’s not criticizing Trump. All of the PAC-supported many little candidates are “not-Jeb Bush”. Divide and conquer. That’s why when Jeb Bush announced he also suddenly was inexplicably leading in the polls. Until Trump entered the race. Look at the Super-PAC and lobbyist funding at
Trump has a long consistent history of getting fed up with incompetence, declaring he will do a better job, and then doing it. Even his Apprentice show carried that theme. When he says he will do something, he does it. Sue Univision? Done. Get fed up with the boobs who for many years and absurd sums of money couldn’t managed to fix NYC’s Wollman Rink? Will do it for free, get it done under budget and in a few months. Done.
Has declared that he won’t take PAC money. Has declared that if elected he will stay working and not take vacations. I believe him. Even people who have had dealings with him who didn’t come out so well over the years will tell you that when he says he’s going to do something, it’s a point of pride with him to do it. Go to youtube and view some of his interviews, Oprah, the then-fawning MSM, from 10-20 years ago. Read his book Art of the Deal.
Do you remember what happened to Newt Gingrich when he hit the Florida primary and the Bush machine? Trump is in and among the same people.
The country is in trouble and someone has to stop the business as usual.
Reality TV has a lot to answer for. SMH.
Goodness Amy, you make it sound like Donald was a contestant on Naked & Afraid or something. lol
No sweat – we have the luxury of time. Only Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush do not. Apparently, both are toast, and the former will be hopefully become a convicted felon.
The GOP hack convention is not until July of 2016. Sit back and enjoy watching the process of making the cream that will rise.
Actually, Trump helps Jeb more than anyone, because he’s the only one with the money to keep paying his people through the next nine months of primaries. Trump blocks out coverage for the others, so their message of conservative achievements and proposals don’t get heard over the Kardashian noise.
Trump isn’t draining votes from Jeb anyway. He’s draining votes from actual conservatives who actually stand a chance of winning a general election.
Amy in FL | September 1, 2015 at 10:09 am
Trump isn’t draining votes from Jeb anyway. He’s draining votes from actual conservatives who actually stand a chance of winning a general election.
It’s reality. Jeb supporters and Trump supporters are just two completely different breeds. No one who supports the kind of pro-immigration platform Jeb is proposing would ever suddenly switch over and support the kind of anti-immigrant platform Trump has put forth, for starters.
Then there’s the fact that Jeb openly says he doesn’t need or want any conservative support; Trump is at least going to the effort of playing one on TV.
Jeb supporters are not deserting Jeb for someone like Trump — if any Jebbies do desert him, they’ll seek solace in the next closest RINO squish they can find. No, Trump’s supporters don’t come from the Jebbie camp, they are drawn solely from people who would normally support a conservative.
No citations to back up your opinions… got it.
Do you seriously think that people who believe that illegal immigration is “an act of love” are suddenly going to start supporting a man who calls those same illegal immigrants rapists and murderers and thieves who must be rounded up and shipped out?
It’s safe to say that, the ‘presumed’ GOP Nominee, Jeb isn’t looking so good. His polling trajectory is down, he has had an exodus of deep pocket donors… possibly due to Trumps’ towering shadow being cast on him.
No, I dont believe those who support Jeb will switch to Trump, most will switch to other GOP-approved candidates like Perry, oh wait, his campaign is virtually kaput, perhaps Santorum? Oh wait, his polling numbers are abysmal.
Fact is, only Trump elevated Illegal Amnesty in the public discourse and the presidential debates.
I’m of the opinion the GOP Establishment hates him for that; just my opinion, mind you.
I saw Walker at Red State and he was like listening to the store manager giving the plan for the employees for the upcoming day. He had no ability to speak and he had a tin ear when it came to listening to the crowd’s feedback. His timing was bad and he didn’t have a message about anything but Wisconsin. I think he will make a fine cabinet member for the next Republican president but he is not ready to lead the nation. The times we are in demand the rise of an extraordinary person and personality. It may or may not be Trump but if it isn’t he will have pushed someone else to rise with him that will take the mantel and win.
As per my lament above, “reality TV” has a lot to answer for.
No-one’s even willing to consider electing an actual, sane grown-up anymore.
When critics compare Trump fans to Obama fans, consider statements like the above before you dismiss them as fools.
Seriously. We have been governed for the last seven years by a man elected on the grounds that “the times we are in demand the rise of an extraordinary person and personality”. How’s that worked out so far?
Headlines in the MSM are that he’s calling for building a wall between the U.S. and Canada.
Never mind that it isn’t true. The idea is getting more press than anything he’s actually said.
We need to find a way to fight back against this kind of thing or it isn’t going to matter who we nominate.
The uncontrolled immigration crime wave is the only major crisis facing the US which can be controlled almost entirely by the Executive.
Everything else, such as a Persian atomic bomb, also depends on other players (such as Persia); so blame for poor performance can’t be placed exclusively on the White House.
Not so the flood of illegals.
The mechanisms to deal with the crisis already exist; all that’s needed is for the Executive to stop ignoring or sabotaging them.
Is Walker that Executive? Or is Trump?
That, basically, is the question at this point—and, despite his virtues in other respects, vast crowds are not choosing Walker.
True about the executive’s ability to wipe out the crime wave, but as Mark Kirkorian has pointed out, at the rate we are handing out green cards to legal immigrants, the country is toast even if we stop illegal aliens from coming in.
1 million a year of socialist statists, ready to vote that way.
Couple of things…
1. Mark Kirkorian is one of those NR RINO squishes (never mind that he’s one of the best sources of information on immigration, he HAS to be derided and ignored, doncha know?)
2. green-card holders are not citizens and can’t vote
3. we may very well need to restrict green cards
4. we say…with SOME justification…that Americans will find employment if illegals vacate jobs. But at what wages? Are you prepared to pay MUCH more for food? (I am, but I’m not thrilled about the prospect.)
We have a lot of thinking to do, and we have to keep it real.
Oh, and another point…
Kirkorian has reminded us that T-rump proposes a “touch back” amnesty program for illegals, in line with one endorsed by the New York Times.
How many of you were “clear” on that?
I’m pretty informed about my Governor, Scott Warner and before that my County Executive. Talked with him once, but just a chance encounter in a superficial and apolitical social setting. I consider him to be “just what the doctor ordered” in Madison, post-Doyle.
I just never have been able to envision Walker as “presidential material.” He’s not the broad-gauge thinker I can get excited about.
Exactly. I recently told his fundraiser on the phone, “Scott Walker is an outstanding governor for the state of Wisconsin, and when he runs for re-election I hope you’ll give me a call.”
“I’m pretty informed about my Governor, Scott Warner and before that my County Executive. ”
Well…as a New Yorker, I’m pretty informed about Donald Trump’s on-and-off again dalliance with NYC Democrats.
So it’s bewildering to me why a real estate tycoon who is habituated to ruling his executive board by fiat and dabbles in eminent domain…is suddenly deemed intellectually and temperamentally suited to a role that must confer with a legislative body and their 70 million electorate.
[Our country is in such a mess that it will take a candidate who thinks and talks unilaterally like a Conservative Monarch to fast track the necessary reforms to offset the damage done by the current Leftist Monarch] Is that the concept?
If Walker is the only Republican candidate to have delivered institutional-level body blows to the left on a state and national level…what are Trump’s credentials?
I like Walker but he is not the leader we need at this moment on our nation’s history. He is a good man with strong convictions but he is not the man who will take the flag and charge the opponents of freedom. Many of us are good decent people but could not muster a crowd to do hard even deadly things. That is leadership and Walker does not have it.
I agree.
Considering how Trump fans like to fantasize about Trump smashing the GOP (or the “Uniparty”), it seems that many of them do imagine him as the Benevolent Dictator who will do the right thing precisely because he doesn’t have to answer to anyone.
They also imagine that “he speaks for us,” i.e. the little people. I can’t figure out how a tycoon who finances his own campaign and flies around in his own jet is really more in touch with average Americans than those candidates who grew up middle-class (or poor) and whose means are still quite modest in comparison with Trump’s.
I think the Trump fans are, in a way, flattering themselves: “He’s very rich and famous, with his own TV show and multiple beauty pageants — and he really cares about me! Oh please, Mr. Trump, let me vote for you!”
And Trump is? Seriously?
Immigration and healthcare are symptoms of an all encompassing government, reaching much too far beyond its competencies. Cheap workers wouldn’t exist if those same workers weren’t subsidized by our welfare/healthcare system.
Generations of welfare recipients wouldn’t exist if welfare eligibility would determined by the neighbors and churches who paid for it instead of government employees. There would be no more government subsidized gang-bangers.
Yes public employee unions are an abomination, but even worse is the proliferation of public employment; and that includes private not-for-profit employment. Our elders are twirling their thumbs in Florida while their children are working to pay the taxes necessary for their parent’s retirement and the grandchildren are entrusted to the hands of public employees/contractors.
Walker doesn’t understand the problems we face; he sees the symptoms and doesn’t identify the causes. He lost me when he proposed to replace obamacare. No governor, get the government out of our lives. All government programs expand and morph into monstrosities over time. Every. Single. Time. There are no exceptions.
yeah, Walker seems cautious and scripted. Gave a good speech to new military, but it was just read and he stumbled a little. He does this. monotone. thing. when he wants to. emphasize. something. that I guess is OK, but sounds scripted.
He needs to loosen up and not just say how he won the union war in WI, but how it damages our country and what he would do on that front as president. His advisers seem to have him hedging on everything so he doesn’t lose any big demographic blocks (or that billionaire donor?), but in our divided country he has to come out strong. Stand against the public union block … attack them as a special class or something. Say that is how communists states are run, not America. He should OWN that topic, not rely on his past victory.
The anchor baby reversal (or he just refuses to respond on that, which is just as bad) makes me think someone else is telling him what he can and can’t say, and if he can’t stick with that issue he has trouble. Cristy stole the FedEx tracking thing from Gingrich (iirc), but Walker needs to say boldly that illegals will not made citizens, push e-verify, have a real plan.
Then talk about retaining America as a culture of self reliance, not a welfare state. Then state some welfare stats, disability roles, etc. Enough of the Kohl’s story, we get he is humble, but maybe emphasize full employment so everyone can ride a Harley, or their extravagance of choice.
There is room to be “the adult in the room” riding in on the wake behind bombastic Trump. But to stand out they have to differentiate themselves … like Carly saying illegals can never be made citizens, or what is the point in coming legally? Trump’s “deport them all” left room, for Bush to say it is not realistic, for Hillary to use the boxcar thing. Those are attacks, winners bring the plan.
When Trump claims he will make a 50′ wall, Walker (or Cruz) can site the effectiveness of walls we have now, and then be clear about the multi-faceted approach. Someone should adopt the Giuliani plan, as that would give them more credence. (he had some specific plan, some wall, more responsive guards AT the border). And the visa overstays should be easy. Only time I went to Canada was to take a Belgian friend across the border to renew her visa … she had to renew every three months, iirc. Why do only some feel they have to obey our laws?
But Trump’s “touchback plan” would not renew, but would seem to make “the good illegals” permanent citizens perhaps, which is just amnesty. He only says “legal”. Walker/Cruz need a response when asked about Trump bombs, that recognizes Trump’s allure, but offers the realistic version.
Walker may have to cut some cords and be his own man … not sure what is going on there. Being in WI and raised partly in Iowa, seems he has to win Iowa, but he has some time for a surge.
I sent this email in identical form to numerous people:
The level of interpersonal hostility in the comment section is out of control. I don’t even like reading the comment section sometimes, and readers are complaining as well.
So I’m asking people to tone it down and to express viewpoints without name calling. Whatever has happened has happened, and I’m not interested in determining who started it.
From this point forward, comments will be deleted, with blocking accounts a last option.
Hooray, thank you!!! The condition you mention makes even calling the blog more than infrequently unpleasant for me, because on other blogs I enjoy reading the comments, most often thoughtful, humorous and/or inspiring, but for long now here, one long-time, incessant, mocking, sanctimonious, superior-posing commenter in particular has so corrupted/disrupted the comment section on nearly every post that I just don’t bother calling the blog, much less perusing the posts except occasionally and then only those of the more mature, experienced LI team members. I hope your efforts bear fruit.
Many commenters here, intrepid as they are in the head winds of that one’s abuse, still, are thoughtful, worth reading, but that one in particular so works to bend the flow to attend himself/herself with his/her incessant sarcasm and name-calling, always with the air of final, unimpeachable authority, as to make visitation, overall, here a chore rather than a chance.
I have said before that he/she is a Leftie, Anti-American troll and stand by that assay of their presence here, and elsewhere. Thank you for taking action. Even if it did not include the one to whom I refer, that one will (1) get the message and/or (2) double down and force himself/herself upon your attention. May your action succeed!
I think people might be confusing opposing the truly loathsome state Democratic party in Wisconsin with actual leadership. I know those two things are not necessarily in conflict with one another, but nearly all of Walker’s successes have been the product of idiocy from the Dems. Walker doesn’t have much of a positive story to tell to other Republicans. “Look how bad the Democrats in my state are!” is hardly enough to distinguish oneself within a large GOP field.
Concur. On a national platform he would, were he aware, bespeak national sovereignty and patriotism. That’s where the electorate is. Governor Walker has waffled on that of late. I am sorry. I know he, personally, knows better, and his wife. I suspect his advisors have poured poison in his ear and neither he nor his wife have rejected it. Ergo, not presidential material.
I, too, hope Governor Walker gets back up. Long have I rooted for him. He is a good man coupled with a strong, honest and intelligent wife. I do not know why his knees have gone wobbly on some matters, one in particular, US national sovereignty. Some commenters put it down to consultant hires. I suspect that is true, but do not know that for sure. It is the usual explanation.
Sorry, lawyers make poor war-time consiglieres and politics is war. In these circumstances, any candidate controlled by lawyers or thinking like a lawyer will lose. I hope that is not Governor Walker’s condition. Donald Trump, like the Koch brothers, controls his lawyers. They do not control him. Comme il faut.
Related: US Armed Forces are in a state because they are controlled by Anti-American lawyers controlled by global governance (aka Communist/Fascist) ideology.
The “issue” is American sovereignty and patriotism, who’s for it and who’s agin it. Governor Walker, at this point in his elocutions, does not grasp that. Trump, Cruz and Fiorina do, alone in the field.
“Trump, Cruz and Fiorina do, alone in the field.”
Amendment: I think Dr. Carson also grasps the American sovereignty/patriotism “issue.”
I like Carson as a candidate. That said, if he gets to a top tier level nationally, the Liberals will let slip their black and white racist dogs of war on him as they always do with a nationally-popular black conservative.
Liberals fear losing their grip on the black vote more than they fear losing an election. Without democrat-voting blacks they are bereft of their national power.