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Wisconsin Dem Spokesman Threatens Reporter

Wisconsin Dem Spokesman Threatens Reporter

Graeme Zielinski, Communications Director for the Wisconsin Democratic Party, is quite a guy.  He was a focus of a post here last month when he tweeted that people should celebrate the 45th anniversay of Medicare by “punching a Republican.”  He then claimed he was just joking.

But Zielinski doesn’t appear to be joking in this bullying tactic, as reported by Mark Tapscott:

Graeme Zeilinski was upset that a reporter  noted in an interview with the Heritage Foundation think thank that Wisconsin  had, according to U.S. Department of Labor data, created nearly half of all the  new jobs created across the country in June.

In an email titled “What Happens Next,” Zeilinski warned that:

“What happens next is that I contact the publishers and editors of the papers  that publish you as ‘unbiased,’ and let them know our deep concern about the  obvious bias that permeates your entire operation,” Zielinski states in his  email.

“Then, we let our activists know which papers publish you, and they write the  publisher and editor. Then, we contact the Capitol press pool and let them know  about our concerns about your credentialing. And we continue on until you  actually admit to the truth of your operation.”

Wisconsin needs to do the nation a favor, and give these thugs a policital punch in the face this Tuesday in the Recall Elections.


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Recall Election
Vote August 9th

Senator Dan Kapanke

1) Voters have Received Calls Telling Them an Incorrect Election Day
2) Swastika’s Spray Painted on Kapanke Signs
3) Absentee Ballots Shenanigans

“The absentee ballots the Democratic Party of Wisconsin mailed to voters used the return address of the Democratic Party and not the local registrar. There is no guarantee what they will do with these ballots.”

    Whippersnapper in reply to Viator. | August 7, 2011 at 7:28 pm

    I’m not sure what mischief they may have in mind for the absentee ballots actually returned to them; but I wouldn’t be surprised if the folks who don’t return their ballots are targeted to have someone vote in their name on election day. Of course you’d never be able to prove it because ID is not yet required.

“Six Wisconsin State Senators that have represented their constituents with honesty and integrity are under attack from the left. They have engaged in productive debate and advocated for fiscally responsible solutions to Wisconsin’s financial woes.

The well-funded and well-organized Democratic Party and Big-Union machines are trying to defeat the State Senators featured below.”

The Dems are poised to defeat 3 of the 6 Republicans through recall which would give them the Senate this week. They’ve poured 15$ million into the recall elections. People need to donate some bucks for campaigning FAST.

I don’t understand, where was the second threat? That they’re gonna write letters to the editor and file a complaint? Come on professor, get to a real story.

Unbeleiveable! If this what “Hope and Change” is all about, it can STOP. With threats like that I think this guy needs professional help in the anger management department.

Understand that this is not just an idle threat and that it comes with a tacit warning: “Shut up or we will do what we need to in order to shut you up.” 1930’s Germany? Or Soviet Union? You pick.

Cowboy Curtis | August 7, 2011 at 11:48 am

All this stuff- the union protests, vandalism, and threats- is only going to increase over the next several years, only on a larger and nationwide scale. Unions are staring death in the face, membership continues to plummet and the golden goose they’ve lived off of for so long is just barely still breathing. Add to that the growing awareness that the welfare state is on the brink of its inevitable collapse (locally, nationally, and even abroad), whether anyone likes it or not, and you’ve got a lot of really pissed off liberals. Liberals, the political and cultural elites, and old media are watching their hopes and dreams begin to shatter, and they’ll claw, scream, kick, and attack until long after the dust has settled. Their rage will be of a sort and intensity modern America has never seen.

Wisconsin is going to look tame by comparison. Buckle up kids, the next ten years will be a very bumpy ride.

The REAL irony is that Zielinski is an ex-Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reporter.

[…] Read it. Graeme Zielinski, Communications Director for the Wisconsin Democratic Party, is quite a guy.  He was a focus of a post here last month when he tweeted that people should celebrate the 45th anniversay of Medicare by “punching a Republican.”  He then claimed he was just joking. […]

I’m not surprised. This typical of fascists when their petulant demands are frustrated: silence your opponent.

I suggest Mr. Zielinski paint a big “L” on his forehead and admit the obvious.

Zielinski is just pissed that the facts are getting in the way of his propaganda. I love the smell of desperation in the morning.