Whatever happened to the Saturday Night Card Game?
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Whatever happened to the Saturday Night Card Game?

Whatever happened to the Saturday Night Card Game?

Not dead, just resting.


The Saturday Night Card Game has a long and storied history at Legal Insurrection.

It started on October 8, 2009, in reaction to a post by Oliver Willis (blogging in his individual, not — ahem — Media Matters capacity), wherein he said:

Saturday Night Card Game First Post

That was the first of over 200 Saturday Night Card Game posts — almost every Saturday Night for over 5 years.

There’s no “best of” list, but here are just a few that I remember:

I’ll stop there, there are just too many.

The last post we did was way, way back on September 20, 2014: Civil rights activists: Django Unchained actress should apologize for playing race card. (See Featured Image.)

Since then, quiet.

I’m suffering from a localized form of the dreaded blogger burnout — localized to dealing with the endless idiotic and malicious uses of race either as a political weapon or just because.

I’m taking a temporary break from the Saturday Night Card Game. For my sanity.


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quiksilverz24 | December 6, 2014 at 7:03 pm

Was always the highlight of my Saturday night. Well,2nd in line. I won’t provide those details…

Maybe you just need some Baileys and Frangelico. Works for me. 🙂

Doug Wright Old Grouchy | December 6, 2014 at 7:46 pm

Professor: Your sanity is not in question!

Yet, for the MSM, and its cohorts, sanity is lacking, as is that of the rest of the Socialist crowd.

Reality is beautiful for us but for those Socialists, their belief in unicorns is what drives them; their goal not achievable.


Pres. ScamWOW goes to the horse-piddle for acid reflux…???

WHOLLY CRAP…!!! Is there a Louisiana connection? In any other presidency, the question would never be considered. In this one, it HAS to be.

Sanity is highly overrated.

DINORightMarie | December 6, 2014 at 10:34 pm

I’ve missed it, and wondered why.

This is a very trying, weary-ridden time; rest up, recover – we need you!! 🙂

Professor, while I’ve enjoyed your card game, feel free to take some time off to refresh your batteries.

For those still with hankering, check out CDR Salamander’s Diversity Thursday posts every week. More general, as he covers issues besides race, but to the point.