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August 2012

And they have to make it as frightening as possible. From the Daily Caller [Emphasis mine]: President Barack Obama’s aides have poll-tested new phrases and themes for their “Mediscare” strategy, which seeks to persuade Medicare-reliant seniors to vote against Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the critical...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Freedom’s Battle . ...

The Southern Poverty Law Center is back in the news because of the shooting at the Family Research Council, a group the SPLC had designated a "hate group" along with the Klan and Neo-Nazis. Based on the available evidence, it is clear the shooter was motivated...

From reader Shea: Another case of "shouldn't have used that 'O' logo"...

I was a guest Tuesday night on African-American Conservatives blog talk radio. Topics included the Ryan selection and a lot of other election related topics.  It was one-half hour of pure ...

Via Scott Whitlock at Newsbusters: Over eight hours of broadcast time, Thursday, the network morning shows devoted a scant two minutes and 57 seconds to Wednesday's shooting at the conservative Family Research Council (FRC). Good Morning America on ABC offered the most time, a still tiny...

Joe Biden's behavior is becoming more and more questionable.  Hardly a day passes in which Biden doesn't say something really strange. The put "y'all back in chains" comment, saying he was in North Carolina when he actually was in Virginia, and forgetting which century we are...

Floyd Lee Corkins II, the suspect in Wednesday's shooting at the Family Research Council, is expected to appear in court Thursday afternoon after authorities filed a criminal complaint earlier this morning. The charges against Corkins include assault with intent to kill, as well as a federal...

Elizabeth Warren is riding high, raising tens of millions of dollars and serving as the designated warm-up speaker for Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention in early September.  But she's still an ethnic fraud who misappropriated Native American heritage as her own for professional purposes. The only...

This video has been making the rounds. It's a 22-minute examination of the pattern of leaks of classified and sensitive information intended to make Obama and his administration look tough. How do you cut this down to 30 seconds so it can be run on television? I'm...

that shalt not. From reader Pam: I've been meaning to forward this to you for a while. I see this car in the parking garage where I work (please don't share where, LOL) every day. I am heartened every time I see evidence of conservative thinkers in...

As long-time readers surely know, I have examined the pernicious methodology of the Southern Poverty Law Center in moving from fighting Klan and neo-Nazi groups to fighting for the Democratic Party agenda against conservatives and the Tea Party. In seeking to justify its hefty salaries, budget...

It has just been confirmed that Family Research Council shooting suspect Floyd Corkins II had been volunteering at the DC Center for the LGBT Community for the past six months. From the AP: David Mariner is executive director of The DC Center for the LGBT Community. He says Corkins...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Freedom’s Battle . ...

Operation Counterweight, the electoral strategy for the rest of us, is intended to help provide a counterweight to conservatives being sold out in two ways. First, we must elect more conservative Republicans.  Second, we must hold the House majority and take back the Senate by a sufficient majority that...

Paul Ryan would not have been able to walk out of the room, because Obama obviously was furious. From Andrew Malcolm, who says, See for yourself why Romney picked Paul Ryan: ...