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August 2012

Breathe a sigh of relief, the left is back to sifting for ways to attack Paul Ryan. It seems like they may have hit the bottom of the bucket, no doubt worried after the oppo ("cure for insomnia") file that was released revealed how little they...

It will take more than 4 years for the full effects of Obamanomics to be achieved.  But not for lack of trying. From reader Rod: Took this picture while driving with friends through Temple, Tx. ...

Not a great day. Someone I know, an indefatigable blogger, decided to go to bed early. Don't focus on the bad.  Think about the great candidates we have like Mia B. Love, who just rolled out this video: Remember Operation Counterweight. Do I have to come over and slap...

Sean Hannity's interview of Todd Akin this afternoon was very uncomfortable and unsettling. Hannity pressed Akin just about every way he could, but he and Akin were ships passing in the night. (Partial transcripts here and here) Notice at 19:00 of the audio when Akin refers to the PPP...

I joked the other day about Elizabeth Warren's Mike Dukakis Tank moment. Maybe tanking was the right word, because a PPP poll just released shows Warren 5 points behind and Warren's negatives rising dramatically (emphasis mine): PPP's newest poll on the Massachusetts Senate race finds Scott Brown...

Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Todd Akin repeated on the Mike Huckabee radio show that he will stay in the race, saying "We are going to continue with this race for U.S. Senate,” which he then confirmed on Dana Loesch's The Dana Show shortly after: I don't think this...

for you know what. Lots of speculation and "inside info" on the internets. Update: Perhaps this will provide some clarity (radio link here) Todd Akin on today’s show 12:35 central. #dlrs— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 21, 2012 ...

For three bucks, you too can have dinner with Barack Obama.  You may be the winner already! But wait, there's more. You get to pay several hundred dollars in taxes! But call within the next ten minutes and you will get whine with dinner, because Romney is flush with...

On me. Another from Tracy, whose bumper sticker photo yesterday was noticed: We saw this car recently in Hatteras, North Carolina. ...

PPP finds Todd Akin still leads Claire McCaskill, and that the numbers have not changed much since the controversy broke: Missouri voters strongly disagree with the comments Todd Akin made about abortion over the weekend, but it hasn't moved the numbers a whole lot in the...

Hannity laid it on the line for Todd Akin, is he willing to drag down the presidential ticket and the goal of taking back the Senate. Listening to the audio, you can see how Akin would be a good candidate against McCaskill if he had not...

Yesterday I cautioned against piling on a candidate within minutes before giving the candidate a chance to react himself. With the benefit of 24 hours, it's clear that Akin has become a national liability, in part because his apology was round-about, in part because Republicans are...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Freedom’s Battle . ...

This past Saturday, Tea Party activists from Ohio and around the country converged on Cleveland for the Occupy the Truth for Peace and Justice rally and march. Organized by Andrew Marcus of the upcoming documentary, "Hating Breitbart," the march centered on Andrew Breitbart's charge to...

whether a Republican congressman one year ago jumped in Lake Kinneret, also known as the Sea of Galilee, without his swim trunks on. A year ago. An f-in year ago.  Skinny dipping.  One person.  And some others who -- wait for it -- got drunk. Actually the subject...